    what is autism?

    what is autism?

    +1  Views: 655 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Autism is one of a group of serious developmental problems called autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that appear in early childhood — usually before age 3. Though symptoms and severity vary, all autism disorders affect a child's ability to communicate and interact with others.

    Autism is a group of developmental disorders, called autism spectrum disorders ASD, that usually appear in childhood.  It sometimes goes undiagnosed until much later.  The spectrum ranges from severe mental retardation and be associated with other physical disorders to children who are low verbal, but can understand, to "aspergers" who are verbal.

    When I was born, it was believed that this disorder was caused by parents (spec. the mother).  This has completely been refuted.  This is currently defined as a psychological disorder, therefore medical doctors do not have a protocol to follow.  However, Defeat Autism Now (DAN) had completed a significant amount of studys introducing a probability that in many, to most of these children do have medical problems, if, IF, the parents can afford the testing (insurance does not cover due to lack of  studies, why?, these studies might lead to the possibility that these children can recover.  This would significantly reduce the amount of money being spent on pharmacetical medications.  It is well known to the few physicians who try to help these children what is needed. 

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