    How stupid can a person get? A woman was planking on a crocodile, 4.65m long, in the Northern Territory of Australia

    0  Views: 1903 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: animals

    6 Answers

    Some idiots will do anything to draw attention to themselves. I saw a jerk on a nature show put his hand near the mouth of a great white shark in order to get it to bear it's teeth. Needless to say he got a little too close and ended up with a bloody hand. He was lucky. It could have turned out much worse.

    It should have taken his whole hand. The fool.

    I agree.
    or was the croc planking under the woman? ;-)
    What's "planking on a croc"?

    People are insane.

    A couple of years ago, an American or Canadian woman came on a holiday to the Northern Territory. She was in a small, tourist ferry near a waterfall. The Captain told everyone not to dive off the boat into the water as there were crocodiles in it. I think she didn't believe what he said. The water looked calm, beautiful and inviting in the heat. What did she do? She dived into the water and disappeared. A crocodile ate her.

    Serves her right. Listen to the locals of a country you're unfamiliar with or be croc food. She'll come back wiser in her next life.
    Was she an American? they are the only tourists that come to Oz not to take notice of DANGER SIGNS, a few of them have lost their lives in northern australia because they did not heed the warnings.

    I think she was American, but I'm not sure.
    I would suggest the planking on a croc was set up. Pull one out of the water, plank on a dead one. Let`s face it no one can lie on a salty and live. Strike me bloody Rome where do these ideas come from?


    From the media. He wasn't dead, he was just a little tied up for the moment.
    what's ''planking on a crocodile '' ?

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