    Do other countries or thier citzens donate to US disater relief?

    Just curious.. I never hear of it on the news.

    +2  Views: 2213 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: politics

    4 Answers

    AUSTRALIA donates their experience fire personnel when your fires there get out of control,also we are in the same situation, oz donates a hell of a lot of aid to neighbouring countries but we get nothing in return but we don't expect it either.
    Tell you the truth have a point..we have always been the "ones" to help out the other so-called socially and economically deprived other countries...thus, out big shoulders are collapsing and we have been losing a lot of our young people to wars for that reason....sad state of affairs...look what is happening to us now...I don't hear of any other countries now coming to our aid...they are seriouslay probably laughing their asses said...(: What foreign relation policies are in effect or have been in effect...I have not been living under a rock

    That is why I asked.. It didnt seem right that we do all the scratching and our back is the one itching.

    Did you call me darci???? I am Jenn J....E...N...N :)
    mexico brought bottled water and blankets to the us after katrina so yes
    Yes, they do. Give and take is still working in foreign relations, ;-)

    I assumed they did.. but you know what they say about assumptions... Why is it not more widely publicized?

    I think most relief funds and goods are exchanged at organizational or individual level. If a government is involved, the disaster has to be the big one getting worldwide attention like the one happened in Japan recently. I might be wrong, just thinking. Too tired to do research now. I am aware of one individual, professional golfer, K .J. Choi, just donated a big chunk of money to the recent Tornado disaster.

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