    How would you change akaQA?


    +5  Views: 2232 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    Hey I can't leave an answer here, I keep getting a internal error, what's wrong with your question?

    14 Answers

    It would help if they told you when they changed things. One day you can give as many TUs as you like and the next you find a restriction.

    Likewise a TD... to be considered carefully... cost you 10, but only reduced the person by 15... not too drastic. Now it's a wopping 35, unless that's been changed too.

    It would also help if people registering for the first time were told more, like how karma works... except we don't actully know ourselves anymore

    Agreed with you suliz. Understand what itsmee is saying too, and friendindeed. Perhaps all should be considered.

    They should, but Admin are a law unto themselves, and shrouded in mystery... and frequently up to no good. Why else would they say Colleen was back when she wasn't?

    Who said colleen is back?
    Is she really back?
    It would be nice if it would kick my a** off after I've been logged in for an hour. Addicting! :o)

    I would make it easer to post photos, I can but find it a pain.
    nlnnet, how do you do it seem easy for you?

    Amen brother.
    You can contact them at the bottom, if you have something to say.
    They have done well replying I think.
    Headless Man

    We are getting a lot of error codes when posting a remark, but if you return your remark will be posted.
    ole hipster

    Yes I noticed the same thing, I wonder why?
    I've always said a set of the rules would help a lot, and maybe only a few questions a day would stop so many doublets.
    oh, i can't find stuff. i plan to go back and read something or say something and i can't find it. then i start distracting and running into all sorts of very interesting questions and forget why i came here in the first place. this might not be a plus to non add or adhd people.

    i wish i could put pretty pictures on my words. <sigh>

    sometimes my answers or comments don't show up and i can only assume that the question master is snacking on them. <sigh>
    I think the TU and TD should be used more. If a question is asked the person asking should always give a TU to the answer.

    good try

    that would mean you could only read 15 answers a day.

    awe...what the heck, i tu'd you anyway to make your day. my good deed is done.
    Yeah, the constant changes without notification or explanation does suck and I say also "Admin show yourselves!" way too "mysterious" they tend to be! (:

    I am pretty sure they are aware of this conversation. They should be more forthright.

    Fia, the ads come from Google not this admin

    fla - I'm sorry to say this but you don't really know what you're talking about.
    The ads come from google who matches ads with context. It's the #1 advertising network on the net.

    I really think you should take a minute to cool down, your posts make no sense. Yes, there's a lot of place for improvement but they've always been fair and I kind of like the fact that this site is not completely main stream if you know what I mean.
    Duplicate ninnet NOW!
    You are amazing :-)

    You are very kind!

    ha ha ha
    Honestly, there are way to many ways to improve the new format, the best improvement they could do would be to go back to the old format, it was much more user friendly.

    They don't recirculate the questions, and if you edit, you can't bring your question back up to the front page. You can only view a few questions at a time, you could view many more questions at one time before.

    You don't receive karma points or awards for achieving 200 views to your question, so what's the point system for just answers now? It used to be more rewarding. When you are trying to improve something it's best to do your research before changing it.

    I didn't know we ever could receive karma points for 200 views... My best score isn't quite that many, but KNOWING would have made me think harder about the way I expressed a question. That has to be good for the site, to have questions designed to really interest people.

    Exactly, that's why you see some of the people who have been here longer complaining about the quality of the questions sometimes. Every 200 views you were awarded badges and karma. I think you're right there were more though out questions.
    As far a resent changes, I liked it when you could remove the red number comments yourself, now they are automatically remover, I used to use them as book marks, to see what everyone was talking about while I was out, so now that they are removed automatically, I just have to memorize everything.

    Kind of a bummer...

    I have to say that I actually like the new way the notifications are handled. I used to look at the same question repeatedly because I forgot which one I clicked on.

    Maybe they should give an option to decide how you want to treat notifications so it will suit everyone.

    I suggested for them to run an opinion question on this subject to see what the other members thought, they said they'd consider it, which to me sounds like a no.

    As far a resent changes, I liked it when you could remove the red number comments yourself, now they are automatically remover, I used to use them as book marks, to see what everyone was talking about while I was out, so now that they are removed automatically, I just have to memorize everything.

    Kind of a bummer...
    Headless Man

    I agree a real bummer!

    Wow, I have to get off of this medication, I'm seeing double.

    Wow, I have to get off of this medication, I'm seeing double.
    I shall have to add another answer... once again some of the comment boxes aren't working.

    This is interesting so hopefully Volcane will come back for another look. I got a comment from him about the remark I made about Colleen. I copied my comment so I will paste it next.

    akaQA put out an "question" that she was back and a lot of people were pleased. Gradually they realised it wasn't true. I checked her karma and her high score had vanished. I clicked on a question of mine she answered a while ago and it said karma 60. I think that was worse than just letting her go, if that's what she wanted. I don't know if it was or not, and it's none of my business, but it did strike me as dishonest, assuming it is impossible for a member to do something like that as a "joke". Is it?

    The other comment is on something Volcane said too, suggesting fia calmed down. I just wanted to say I agree with him. When I first read what she said I thought she'd done a good job of gathering opinions together. A lot of information has been added since, like how Google insert the adverts most appropriate to the question. I didn't know that, but I didn't go on about it either.

    Maybe if fia did calm down he or she would not only stop to think but type answers that are easier to read. Sorry Fia, if you see this, I won't unvote you, but I will think longer myself before I vote you up again.

    I don't know when you joined but I didn't see you around until recently, which means I've been using the site longer and I am very aware there is a lot I don't know about how it works.

    ninnet, this is another answer for you in a way. You asked for ideas about changing akaQA and I think it really has come out that the lack of information needs to be addressed, but not by ranting about it. I have no idea if there is anything we can do to influence Admin but perhaps members of longer standing have ideas?

    I never intended nor thought this question would reveal so much or elicit such response!

    I think you brought up a subject that has bothered a lot of us, in different ways, and this is the result.

    You must have felt a change of some sort would be a good thing or the question would never have occurred to you.

    When I first joined I asked questions about karma... how it worked, and why it existed at all. I felt I finally understood it and then overnight it all changed so that was what attracted me to read your question, and answer it.
    leeroy has just said there used to be bonus karma points if you got 200 views of a question.

    How many leeroy?

    I was just thinking ninnet would have been rewarded well for the interest this question has caused, and why not?

    Surely that's the point, as well as being here to help with problems. On-going debates are interesting, though it's a shame the subject of this one is likely to be unproductive.

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