    "Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound To Hawaii. Seek Immediate Shelter, This Is Not A Drill"

     This was supposed to be a drill, but a false warning was sent via citizens phones.


    According to the article below, while sirens were blaring, people were seeking shelter in places such as bathtubs and also seen crying in the streets.


    Video of the moment  when the "False Missile Attack" was aired (on television)>


    My question:  What would be the first thing you would do if under attack?

    +7  Views: 1148 Answers: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

    At least you will have the satisfaction of knowing no matter who pushes the button no body wins.

    5 Answers

    If you can get to an air raid bunker,Good,,if you cannot,you might as well just go buy a hamburger.if you can find someone to make it..cannot think of anything else you can do..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    country bumpkin

    A burger would have to do me because I don't think I will find a place that is serving Lobster and Prime Rib. :)


    ....God is in charge, not man


    Image result for pic frightened duck

    country bumpkin

    Pitiful little ducks! :((

    I’d park in front of the tv, watch the reports, get a drink and wait. I have no shelter or a place to go to that was not vulnerable to a missile. It’s not like I could go hug a tree......

    country bumpkin

    What else you do! LOL

    Put my head between my knees and kiss my arse goodbye.

    terryfossil 1

    Your always the romantic Kent.:):):)>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    When we were teenagers, my aunt had a poster on her wall, What to do if there is a bomb threat. There must have been 50 precautions to take, but the last step (number 50) was , Bend over and---------------------. LOL

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