    Happy Mother's Day....Kisses and Hugs to all!

    Today is Mother's Day here in the UK so I want to wish all the lovely ladies here on akaQA a spectacular Mother's Day. We deserve to have two days dedicated to us.



    +6  Views: 848 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    You are a crack up CB.

    We bought our boy a blue guitar yesterday and music lessons to go with it. He sinks like a log in the swimming pool and even though he is technically Canadian, the skating lessons are not working.

    I would not trade my job in for anything. Mothers' Day lasts all year long and forever.

    It's all about the great big love.
    country bumpkin

    My son took guitar lessons for a couple of years and he was not good at it, his instructor even told my son he was not cut out for playing the guitar. The odd thing is that after he stopped taking lessons and began practicing on his own something just clicked and now he's plays an impressive guitar. He played for his old guitar teacher and the teacher was amazed at his improvement.

    That is so curious.
    I really wanted my son to get the skating thing. He may. Being able to shoot a puck is pretty important in Canada.
    Our little man gravitates to the guitar and is writing songs at six. His subject of choice is Family.
    I am going to ride with it. :)
    They are going to be who they are going to be. There is no point forcing the issue.

    .... even though playing hockey is seriously fantastic.

    He is in the front room strumming on his guitar, laughing and singing as I type this. I am blessed.

    4 Answers

    Happy Mothers' Day in the UK. 

    A celebration of the best job in the entire world. 

    country bumpkin

    It certainly is the best job. I can tell that you are a great mom too.

    I try. :)
    My system of Lego organization is failing miserably. But!... I try.
    country bumpkin

    LOL....Oh yes, the Lego's!

    I am glad you added the 's', because there are so many of them.

    ....Yippy !


    Bit late mate.

    All the best, Mums.  No one believes in our kids more than we do. 
    Image result for Mom and kids moments  My son and daughter-in-law are expecting a daughter in August.  :D


    Congrates, MsBob. :)
    country bumpkin

    This is so true.
    Congrats on becoming a gran again. :)

    Thank you, my friends. He has 2 daughters and a son, she has a daughter, and they have a one year old daughter together, so this will be #5 girl and one little boy.
    We hoped for a boy, but are joyful no matter!

    Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers in the United Kingdom, you deserve it. ox

    country bumpkin

    A very nice thing to say. :)

    CB, i am brown nosing. LOL. -- i do mean it. :)
    country bumpkin

    HA! You brown noser, You! LOL

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