    Who is going to win the world Cup at Football?

    +11  Views: 1262 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    Socceroos are playing Chile tomorrow morning - 7.30 am ACST Saturday June 14. They need all the support thet can get. ------------------- Chilie defeated the Socceroos 3-1

    11 Answers

    Well.our local primary school could play better than England.


    Costa Rica?

    Except they didn't exactly lose to a primary school club on Saturday. Did they?

    Nope.Pirlo is older than me(yep) and all the other auld anes are on the bench.



    Not England then. I watched on TV the other day ,they were interviewing Scots asking them if they would be supporting England or the team they were playing at the time. Apparently it's a regular thing with some Scots and English to either support the other British team or the one they are playing, friendly rivalry . So as a Scotsman Roy who will you be supporting England or the team they are playing on the day.

    If England had a really good team with really good technical talented players I would definitely be rooting for them,but unfortunately it is only the English media and TV commentators who think they are good enough, that's really what annoys us Scots,I watch MOTD every week because the games are much better than the trash they serve up here, plus I'm a Rangers fan (bitter), BTW my Father was a scouse so I'm really half English

    Wayne Rooney forever,

    Not many better players in the world Dougal, when he's fit and in the mood.

    Socceroos  lol.


    At least they qualified, better than Scotland could do.

    Oh that football, I thought you meant "real football"! 


    No we do not have enough padding for American Football,bustieone,

    Ha Ha, or drugs for the concussions?
    terryfossil 1

    We call it soccer in Aussie Bustie,we have 3 different codes of football,,soccer is not the most common games here,although i am sure i would get a debate about it..Myself i am a dinky di rugby league man,,specialy as State Of Origin is on this wednesday,and so i leave this conversation with ...QUEENSLANDER !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Terry, my wife was born in Townsville, so I know that rugby is big, as we visited in 2000 and her cousins talked about it. She left there in '45 as a 7 mo. old "war baby" with her mom. Mom just passed in Sept. and was a true Aussie, although she made her married life in Rhode Island, USA. We love Australia, and will return when we can afford the trip. Thanks for the info. Regards
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Bustie,Dont leave coming over here to late,,It is a damn long flight to Townsville...i do not know about other Aussies,But i have a great fear of dying outside of my country,,Maybe that's the Aboriginal side coming out of me......Take care Bustie>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<

    I have no idea of what you are talking. I know a little about American Football but this World Wide stuff is over my head……….


    The USA are actually playing in the tournament Julie, I'm sure if you switch your TV on you'll find it somewhere.

    I think you call it soccer in your part of the world Julie. We have woman's soccer teams over here now, whatever next. They'll have men playing netball next or synchronized swimming.

    My TV stays on non-stop, never listen when it comes down to sports though……..

    Funny thing, when I was in Texas the game I saw being played the most by kids was soccer.

    I agree with Roy, Brazil.If it ever gets to a grand final with the way the protesters are trying to disrupt it.

    You got me??? what is it ????? 


    It's supposed to be a game of football, but nowadays it's a group of primer doners dancing about around a ball.

    Football -- - -meaning soccer ? I thought the world cup was golf.

    You learn so much from    a mulit national site like this. We're learning from each other. That is what teachers call cooperative learning.


    Thank you, Hector. I'm honored.





    Ooh that hurts.

    But I think you may be right.

    Italy will win their 5th title !


    We were robbed Digger,
    digger the superior play of the Azzurri. Maybe they were right about Rooney being well past his best-before date.

    I actually watched the Cup  it today, b/c learned about it from my world wide friends on akaQA .It's more clean than American Football. ( Sorry, my fellow Americans.)  

    I do think the goal net is way too large, tho'  . Anybody could sink a ball in there. And the goalie doesn't have a stick to fend off the ball with , like in Hockey.

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