    how long do penalty points last on your licencse

    0  Views: 1294 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    The answer requires an explanation in two parts.

    1. The Penalty Points are valid from the date of incident and remain live on your license for 3 years.

    2. However these Penalty Points remain on your license for a total of 4 years. Although the Penalty Points are on your license during that fourth year they are not ‘live’ for the purposes of ‘totting up’.

    Once the Penalty Points have been on your license for 4 years from the date of offence then you may apply to the DVLA to have these points removed from your license.

    In Summary: How long do penalty points last? They will shown on your license for a total of 4 years from the date of offence, however they are only ‘live’ for the purposes of ‘totting up’ to a driving ban for the first 3 of those years.

    Source >


    In the UK you have to pay to have them removed from your license after four years. It was £20 a couple of years ago, not sure what it is now. A lot of people here don't bother, they leave them there, as you say they are not active after three years.

    I would leave them there too. I don't think that applies in Australia.

    if in Quebec,24 months.

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