    how to download sofware

    0  Views: 535 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Instructions Download Software

    1 Figure out exactly why you need the software. There are many kinds of software you can download, from games to educational applications.

    2 Search for variations. If you are not attached to particular software that can perform the specific tasks you want, you can find a variety of programs on the Internet that do the same thing. These variations may have more or less features than the product you are accustomed to using.

    3 Choose from the list of software you find with your budget in mind. There are many free software programs on the Internet. There are also programs that are free to try for a certain amount of time as well as programs you will have to pay for before you can download them. Some programs can be used online and may require a monthly fee for this feature.

    4 Visit the website from which you wish to download your software. Search for the software and read the requirements for it. Some websites may post the user manual and other documentation for the program so that you can read it before you download.

    5 Choose the version of the software that is meant for your operating system. Be sure you have the right amount of hard drive space and RAM.

    6 Make sure that you will be able to open the downloaded file. "Executable" files are usually compressed so they can be downloaded relatively quickly. Check the format of the file you wish to download. You may also need to download the program that can decompress the file before you begin.

    7 Download the software to an area on your computer where you can find it easily. Decompress it, if necessary, with your utility program.

    8 Locate the "executable" file in the software folder, and click it to begin your installation.

    9 Read the accompanying user manual for further information about the software. You may find it in the folder that was created when it was decompressed.

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