    how to upload photo to instagram?

    0  Views: 1408 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    1. Copy any photos that you want to upload to your mobile device. Because Instagram is designed to be used on your mobile device, you will need to place any photos that you want to upload onto your mobile device before you begin. You will be able to upload any image that is stored in your device’s memory.

    2. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device. Make sure that you are logged in with the account that you want to upload pictures to.

    3. Tap the Camera tab. This is located at the bottom of the screen in the center of the row of icons. This will open the Instagram camera.


    4.Tap the Preview square. This is located to the left of the camera shutter button, and will display the last image that you took.


    5. Scroll up at the bottom of the screen. In the lower frame, you will see a selection of images to choose from. If you scroll up slightly, you will see the option to change the Album that you are viewing. Select the album that contains the images that you want to upload.


    6. Select the image that you want to upload. Once you’ve found an image that you want to add to Instagram, tap it to select it and it will open in the main window.


    7. Adjust the image. When you first select the image, you will be able to crop it to your liking. If you don’t want to crop the image, don’t select anything and tap the Next button at the top of the screen. Once you've cropped or moved on, you will be able to add effects to the image. Tap Next to move on.


    8. Add information about the photo. Once you are done applying effects, you can add information about the photo before you share it. You can add a caption, tag other Instagram users, and share it to services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. When you are ready, tap the Share button.You can share the photo directly to other users by selecting Direct. Otherwise, it will be shared with your Followers. 

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