    Has anyone or someone you know signed up for obama care ? How is it ?

    +1  Views: 757 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    All the people on my Facebook claim their premiums are higher and the deductibles are impossible to meet in order for the insurance company to actually kick in and pay. Next year, the premiums are scheduled to double or triple depending on income level. Right now everyone is just getting an intro price to try and get people to sign up. The younger crowd, (27-35) are not signing up. Obamacare depends on them. 

    Here's yet another snag in Obama's Trojan horse 



    Yikes!! Well, I just can't read it now. I'll turn the reading over to your fan, my husband. He will filter the news for me. TERRIBLE.
    Michelle stayed with Oprah in Hawaii and didn't go home on the Presidential Plane. Her travel on yet a special return trip cost hundreds of thousands of dollars ... or something like that. : ((

    I don’t know a soul who has signed up and believe me, I hang around the medicare crowd…...

    I can't believe in this day and age the U.S. has not a National Medicare, any thing would be better than nothing.



    We do have a medicare. It's for poor people and has always been available. Even the illegals get it. I have no clue where Obama found 3 million people who claimed they were denied insurance coverage. Now thanks to Obamacare, 5 million + people are uninsured and even more are unemployed because their jobs were cut so the business owners did not have to pay for the healthcare for so many employees or could stay under the employee limit and not have to pay healthcare for their few remaining employees.

    I don't know anybody who has signed up either. What I do know is my medication is higher. We have good insurance but still ... up it goes.

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