    When I am depressed I ...

    don't want to wash my hair.  : ( 

    +3  Views: 917 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    I snap out of it & find something to do.
    Sorry Itsmee My answer box isn't working so I can only comment for the time being.

    Itsmee, Have your husb wash it. Might be fun ;-)

    8 Answers junk food.


    That too.

    MMMMMM! pizza!

    mmmmm Yum. patato sticks. They used to call them shoestring potatos, and they came in a can. Now, they're just in a little bag. Could eat them till the cows come home.
    MILLIE333 three!...and down a large GnT OR 2! :-)

    When I get depressed, I play on the internet, especailly akaQA. Or I watch some riveting, educational doc on TV. Or, I watch the old black and white Andy Griffith Shows. They make me feel good.


    Im,still on Laurel and Hardy,

    I eat. When I’m happy, I eat. When I’m sad, I eat. When I’m angry, I eat.  I eat while on akaqa. I DO NOT eat in my sleep, my one saving grace………..

    I eat lots of carbohhydrates (_= sweet things) and read a good book. 

    When i am depressed i watch comedy or action movies, I go out for window shopping, I eat what i like the most, I eat ice creams and chocolates, etc. This makes me feel good internally and helps me to divert my mind from the depressed topic.

    I clean out a closet or at this time of year go outside and play in the garden.

    Make a sign that says "KISS ME, Hold ME, LOVE ME, I'm Depressed and Need More Money TOO!

    Then go to Walmart Or other busy store with your sign. Have a friend make a movie and post it on You Tube please. That'll make my day! 

    call my mom or a family member. i have a big family and different one's have an answer for different things.

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