    I am proud to be Afghan. and you?

    +1  Views: 1098 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers

              This young girl is proud

                 to  be Afghani too.


    Are you sure she's proud.She looks pretty dam sad to me.

    She was shot in the head by the Taliban for reading and teaching her fellow afghan teenage girls to do the same, she was shipped to the UK where she has recovered from her horrendous injury and plans to return to her country soon Tom, a very brave wee lass.

    She sure is Roy.I remember the story I just didn't recognise her.The taliban...what a bunch of bloody heroes.
    terryfossil 1

    she is one afghani that i know about,and i am more proud of her than the people of her own is the muslim culture that shot her,,it is the muslim culture that rapes the women,,and i dont see the free muslims around the world saying what a great kid she is...and if people from around the world have to go and kill muslims,,i prefer we kill the sort of muslims that shot her, she is a true peace loving muslim,,,

    I assume that you are male so that is why you are proud to be an Afghan, but if you were a woman, and prevented from being educated, forced into a marriage to someone you don't know, possibly a near relative, not allowed to work, you might not feel so proud.


    Malala Yousafzai, shot by the Taliban for supporting women's education. Strictly she was from Pakistan though fundamentalist crazies pass freely beween the two countries.

    I’m proud to be American, there is even a song about it. I proud that you are proud, too. It’s all good…...


    "Born in yhe USA? The Boss?

    I like that song

    ""  I sure am proud to be an Australian.


    Tu to U too.:)

    As an Australian the only answer I can give is that we have already lost 40 of our very finest young people to the conflict that is rife in your country. If you are proud,then good for you.Be proud of the foreign forces at work in your country trying to bring peace & eliminating terrorism.I am proud of these people I would be proud of all afghanis if they would get behind the effort they are making.

    terryfossil 1

    dam*,,, your GOOD Tommyh,,,tu

    i am proud to be an Aussie,,,i am proud of our democracy,,i am proud that we try to accept everyone as equals,,i am proud that we get to vote who runs our country,,and i am proud of a lot of other things,,,,,,we may not be the best country,,,but it is my best country,,,however i am losing my country to people from other countrys, who come here because they like our freedom,but then they  want to change my country to the way of life in the country they escaped from, go figure,,,,,you have heard what i am proud about my country,,,,so what are you proud about yours,,,,,,thanks for talking.....................


    I can only give you one TU Terry.I would give you 100 if I could.Good on Ya mate!

    Yes I am proud to be English.

    I am prourd to be an aKaQA member,and respect  and   obey the Moderator,as all members should do,






    And proud to be one, there are not many of us left.

    Too true.

    Whats a Pedant??

    A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism and precision, or who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning.

    Hm,not like us then Ted,

    Not a lot Dougal, we don't care THAT much mate.

     Pride expresses confidence in the traditions of a nation. When we go to another nation our differences are fully exposed and show us how our differences are accepted and this can be a happy or unhappy experience. Many cultural differences seem to be shocking at first. As an Afghan on the hunt for shocking differences you should go to a nude beach in California, Gay and Lesbian nightclubs, a different church every saturday and sunday . During the weekdays visit  libraries, court  rooms, businesses, schools and neighborhoods.  Have fun and smile a lot.    

    Me too!  The Afghan hound originated in Afghanistan with ancestors


    Clonge- - - LOL. I was just going to say somthing about Afghan dogs too. In fact, I like crocheted Afghans on my couch :-)



    I am proud to be a Canadian. Even so, I do not

    hold the belief, as some countries seem to, that

    my country is all-knowing and right on every issue.

    To Star Shinwari - - - -Do you currently live in Afghanistan ?

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