    why are concumers penalized for closing an account ?

    If you are not using said account why should you have to keep that account open ? This is a terrible scam !!! they do it so you have to pay them an annual fee and continue to get your money . That should be illegal if I'm not using an account I should be able to free up that credit to debt ratio if I so choose . who decides that this counts again our credit scores because this is really wrong on many levels . If a different company offers me a better deal to pay yours off why in the world would I or anyone else wanna keep your card and continue paying you just to carry it in my wallet . the term feeding a dead horse comes to mind .why is this allowed do we really have no choice ?

    +1  Views: 594 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    This is akaQA, we are a worldwide Q & A forum, you are on the wrong site,

    There are many credit cards that do not have an annual fee! You should have checked your  fine print when you got that card! People will take advantage of any who do not PAY ATTENTION!  Blame yourself!

    Of course it is disgusting and a license to steal.  
    It may have a slight adverse affect on your credit rating, but my personal opinion, since I am not an expert, is to CLOSE ANY ACCOUNT WHICH CHARGES AN ANNUAL FEE, credit or bank.  The only exception would be a portfolio management fee, and then I would be really clear on what the fee is.
    ALWAYS check the policies of a credit card company before applying for the card.  The ones who offer something back to YOU with no fees (other than late charges...and watch out for those) are the ones to promote. The company is making money every time you slide that card, so charging you for the privilege of earning money for them is abhorrent.
    Swallow the loss this time, and make sure it doesn't happen again.  Be sure to write a letter to let them know why you are leaving their establishment.  BE NICE! 

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