    health and safty

    does anybody believe health and safety in the work place has become totally out of controll,, to the extent that it has become the main cause for stress,,,

    +5  Views: 983 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    FOR THE SHORT TIME I worked for the County of Fresno, I must have spent the equivalent of three full days in seminars related to health and safety in the workplace.  I am by no means a genius, but I learned nothing new in all those hours and was likely the sole person even paying attention.
    In agreement with ROMOS that it's a sign of the times, I see countless television ads for attorneys who want to help you sue somebody for something.   

    terryfossil 1

    sign of the times it might be bob...but that does not make it right...stay well bob....

    You, too, Terry

    I totally agree, but I'm afraid it's a sign of the litigious times we live in, companies are s******g themselves that they will be made bankrupt by someone suing them for tripping over something that even they knew was there all the time.......ridiculous!

    terryfossil 1

    it might be a sign of the times mate,,,but the point is i am a 62 year old who gets told that i am old school,,and old school dont work anymore, they use words like common sense is not common anymore,,i believe work ethic and pride in your job is important,,but all they seem to want is a robot that cannot think for itself,i have been working for this supermarket chain for over 15 years,and now i am worth less than the crap on the floor to them,,,but then,, most of the ones giving the orders have never worked on the floor. thanks for listening to my rant,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I know where you're coming from, I'm 5 years younger than you, unemployed at the moment, been to a few interviews lately where the people interviewing me were barely into their 20s,I am ex forces and ex self employed, needless to say I didn't get any of these jobs (I WONDER WHY?)
    terryfossil 1

    hang in there romos,,many a new song has been played on an old fiddle,,we are already past our 50s,,lets hope we last long enough to see how they do,i learnt what i know from my grandfather,the new breed dont seem to want to no what i learnt,,,best of luck mate.......
    terryfossil 1

    hey romos,,hope your job hunting has improved,as for you being 5 years younger than me,,i would very happily swap with you,,they finally got me today,,as of today i am a 62 year old looking for a job after 17 years at the one place,,thats playing hell with my head,,i cannot get over how a 24 year old who has never driven a forklift,,can tell a unblemished forklift operater he is an unsafe operater after 17 years,,anyhow i hope your job hunting has improved ,my hunting starts to-morrow,,so best of luck to both of us,,see-ya

    Yes you can understand it sometimes. Alot of my work was carried out on building sites, and they needed to be more aware, but I do feel that it's all got a bit too much , a bit of common sence would help sometimes.


    To hell with Alf then??

    Too right Dennis.

    I actually do agree, but not all countries or workplaces are careless when it comes to these. They should look at mistakes, and what causes these "accidents"

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