    how to be a good person ??

    +1  Views: 514 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you........


    I saw that as mistaken. I say, do to yourself first before offering the same to others. If the experience is survivable you will know and we will know of your errors. Even in death we can save those who would have died otherwise. Take pride either way…think…”Me First!” and pull your rip-cord.

    You've lost me, 3rd sentence............

    here are the qualities of a good person:

    1. honesty

    2. integrity

    3. generosity

    4. compassion

    5. kindness

    6. helping those in need

    7. unselfish

    8. clear conscious

    9. forgiveness

    10. sleep at night!

    Just the act of trying is a good start then let your conscience take it from there.

    Be a friend, whatever you seek to offer to others, be sure to thoroughly know its effects yourself. No one likes to be made a guinea pig for your experiments. I say, do to yourself first, before offering the same to others. If the experience is survivable you will know and we will know of your errors. Even in death we can save those who would have died otherwise. Take pride either way…think…”Me First!” and pull your rip-cord. 


    IOU TU

    There is a short little book called "EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN . I recommend it.


    Oh Phyllis, That book. That book. That book is the one I wanted to write. I'm going to try to order it. I haven't seen it for ... 100 years. I got interested in the title because I was "entertaining" 12 preschoolers in my own home. (With an assistant or two)

    Barnes & Noble should have it, or Amazon. Preschoolers, wow, they are amazing little people.

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