    doggy help?

    she is a 2 year old rescued dog that we got in January. she takes notice in the house when we shout of her. when she is out on a walk we are unable to let her off the lead as she doesn't respond and is only interested in the things around her. she is not food orientated and not voice activated, so how can we get her to respond?

    +3  Views: 2033 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: animals

    Check with vet on her hearing just incase she could be deaf

    She is part collie they are really intelligent dogs and also German/Shepard they need a lot of exercise and speak to her like you would to your family she will soon learn and you will have loving dog on your hands she respect to always if you don't like what she does sometimes use the word in a firm voice NO she will get the hang of that pretty quick

    6 Answers

    What make of dog is she?

    courtneey !!

    collie cross with a german shepard

    Active, she needs lots of exercise and ALL dogs are food motivated, give a little learn a lot.

    What "make"? LOL!!!

    Pick up a good book on how to properly train your dog. Get a book that is specific to your dog's breed. Some dogs are just high energy and are more interested in what's going on around them than your voice or commands. It takes time and great patience to train a dog. I have a Beagle and he is 2 1/2 years old and must be on a leash when we go out because he does not listen when he's outside his environment  He gets too excited and tunes me out. My other dog, which is a pit bull, jack russel mix, listens well and does as he's told. He's a year older than the Beagle but he has always responded well to me. So breed makes a difference in training. You should learn all you can about the breed your dog is and again, get a training book specific to that breed. 

    Is this dog deaf?  (Don't ever overlook the obvious).  And someone needs to be the alpha in her new pack.  Do not let it be her.  Also the best training aid, treat, that I have found is dehydrated beef liver.  There is probably not a dog with a pulse who can resist it.  Ask for "Bill Jack" that is the brand I found, in a small 1/2 pt. carton looking like a milk carton.  They resemble tootsie rolls, and I am cheap, so I always break them in half, and only reward when I am really pleased.  Do not let the dog train you to give it up every time they want it... Good luck...



    Have you thought about trying odedience classes?, If you have some localy and they are not too expensive, may be worth a go, the people who run them are very experienced dog handlers.


    I tried the last wife around one of them,but it dident work out,no matter what tip bits i gave her,

    Maybe you didn't stroke her enough

    Or maybe you didn't let her know who was pack leader, Dennis. lol.

    Definitely wondering about her hearing, too.
    Agree that the right treat is going to be a great motivator.
    Dog obedience school is worth the effort. I would encourage you to enroll your doggy today.
    A dog needs to know who is the boss, on and off the leash.  You don't have a PUPPY, who could have been trained from the get-go to submit to your commands, but you don't have an idiot dog, either.  
    You BOTH need to work together; a class is a great starting place. If the finances are too tight for the investment, get to the library and get the book suggested by Colleen.
    You do need to invest in a choke collar; the dog has a lot of trouble wriggling out of that! 

    Start of with doggie pads when she sees on the on one praise her as getting her to train vice commands you must start of by treats call her name she will come give her a treat start off in garden or a I closed space you might have to use treats for a couple of months small treats with cheese is good make sure she isn't lacto intolerance first as you got her from being 2years old you don't know what she has been through never shout at her this will make her more nervous speak quite as dogs have brilliant ears and keep praising her always give her love if you get angry with her she will know this and will be frightened to come near you or you could take to dog classes good luck paws for ever

    Good to see you back again Mel, hope you are keeping well,x.

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