    What is spermatogensis?

    0  Views: 728 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Spermatogenesis is the process of making sperm cells, or developing immature germ cells known as spermatogonia into mature sperm cells called spermatozoa. A sperm cell is the male reproductive cell that fertilizes the female egg in sexual reproduction. A male’s ability to reproduce depends on a high quality and quantity of sperm; therefore, spermatogenesis occurs continually from the time of puberty until death. The stages included in this process are spermatocytogenesis, spermatidogenesis, and spermiogenesis.

    Spermatogenesis begins in the seminiferous tubules, which, depending on their type, look like small, straight or twisted noodles in the testicles. The inside of the seminiferous tubules are lined with Sertoli cells and spermatogonia. The Sertoli cells are often referred to as “nurse” cells because they aid in the development of sperm by eating the waste materials of spermatogenesis and directing the cells through the canals of the tubules.

    During spermatocytogenesis, the spermatogonia divides through mitosis to form two diploid cells called primary spermatocytes. Mitosis is a type of cell division in which a parent cell grows and then splits in half to form two identical daughter cells. The primary spermatocytes, which have twice the amount of genetic material as a normal cell, must then undergo meiosis I.

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    Yes, Spermatogenesis is the production of the male germ cell (sex cell) sperm.  The female sex cell, the ovum, is produced by the female in the process called Oogenesis

    Spermatogenesis is the process of making sperm cells, or developing immature germ cells known as spermatogonia into mature sperm cells called spermatozoa. A sperm cell is the male reproductive cell that fertilizes the female egg in sexual reproduction. A male’s ability to reproduce depends on a high quality and quantity of sperm; therefore, spermatogenesis occurs continually from the time of puberty until death. The stages included in this process are spermatocytogenesis, spermatidogenesis, and spermiogenesis.

    Spermatogenesis begins in the seminiferous tubules, which, depending on their type, look like small, straight or twisted noodles in the testicles. The inside of the seminiferous tubules are lined with Sertoli cells and spermatogonia. The Sertoli cells are often referred to as “nurse” cells because they aid in the development of sperm by eating the waste materials of spermatogenesis and directing the cells through the canals of the tubules.

    During spermatocytogenesis, the spermatogonia divides through mitosis to form two diploid cells called primary spermatocytes. Mitosis is a type of cell division in which a parent cell grows and then splits in half to form two identical daughter cells. The primary spermatocytes, which have twice the amount of genetic material as a normal cell, must then undergo meiosis I.

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