    what is slope instability

    0  Views: 419 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    What is slope instability?

    Landslides, rockfalls, mudflows and avalanches all fall under the term slope instability.

    Landslide is a general term for the mass movement of material down the side of a mountain. It implies a gradual movement rather than the more sudden movement of an avalanche.

    Rockfalls are generally smaller in extent but may still be dangerous and cause damage to property.

    Mudflows are essentially landslides containing a significant amount of mud, where such terrain exists, and may occur after a period of heavy rain.

    An avalanche is a mass of snow, ice or rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.

    Landslides and rockfalls may pose serious threats to roads and road users and structures (including houses) located adjacent to or excavated out of the mountainside. Landslides and rockfalls may occur with other major natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and major storms.

    Landslides and rockfalls may occur on the City’s mountain ranges in areas where weathered shales and other clay-rich rocks occur, and particularly where there are steep slopes, periodic heavy rains and where vegetation loss has occurred after wildfires. Improving our understanding of the causes of ground failure and taking precautionary measures can reduce the damages from landslides and rockfalls. Follow these steps, especially if you live or have your business on or adjacent to a mountain slope.

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