    why are there so many wars in the world

    0  Views: 1070 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Continous Warfare is the key to social control. It keeps the public frightend and dependent
    Perpetual war is the road to to poverty, ignorance and dictatorship.
    Until we have genuine peace - we have no future.

    Because it is human nature to want what your nieghbor has.  since the beginning of time, man has o ver resources, over 2,000 years ago religious beliefs were included. There will never be peace as long as we have the competitive gene. Some say wars control population, others say wars promote growth although everyone says they don't want war.  It's in our DNA-- Wars will never go away, conflicts are a human trait. We don't get along very well.

    War is the result of demanding to be recognized as “RIGHT” without alternative or compromise to that assessment. Those who disagree must die as the only sacrifice required for adherents to spread the “Right” message as a global fact without compromise. “Right makes Might”…Mighty Mouse.

    In 1954 the US congress in seeking an end to the extreme losses of global war, sought to initiate a policy that would end a degrading military as the prime factor stimulating wars. Theoretically the way to prevent global wars is to be prepared for war by continually engaging in small wars that require the maintenance of combat ready troops and improving technology. The Soviet era issue involved an arms race to maintain a balance of powers to prevent war. This nearly failed in the Cuban Missile Crises.

    These policies have ended recently because we are vastly over powered militarily and those policies are simply unjustifiable to continue to finance.      

    religious views, food , population.

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