    Has there been a fault on Qand A,??

    +14  Views: 1373 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

     The real fault comes, in my opinion, when beliefs and opinions are not given courtesy and basic respect.   Goading, deriding, and disdain towards those whose cultural, social, and religious beliefs and/or norms are not in line with one's own is unnecessary here. 

    Lots of them, I've stuck my foot in my mouth too quickly at times and I still think you should take back the TD you gave me.........


    sorry jhhartan,I think someone out thier does not like me,and is getting into mylatop,and i am not drunk as someone on here would like others to think ,ill put it right when i canxxx

    jh, I don't remember you ever saying anything out of hand.

    I don't think I'm seeing prison stripes. These two dogs LOOOVE each other. Happy Hugs 

    to William and you.


    Sweet and cuddley C/B,

    OMG!! is that legal.& they're both boys too.Hahaha!

    They are just good friends Tommyh,
    country bumpkin

    Yep, that's Ted and Dougal they're best buddies. :))
    Oh hector remember this in the world we are not all meant to like each other, I know I get on people's nerves probably because I get on here and flood lol..
    Don't take things personal or out of context, remember you don't know what's going on on the other side of the screen, someone could be having a rubbish day and take it out on someone on here or Facebook.

    We are all unique here :)

    Thanks no i try and not let it do that,

    Hey Hec,,Just because somebody does not agree with you does not make it a fault, a debate is about looking at something from different opinions ,there is nothing to learn if we all agreed with each other,and there are some people who believe facts and figures are the beginning and end of it,, I can take facts and figures from a cricket match, and depending on how i present them , i can give you 3 different outcomes that makes it wrong,but should still be taken into account..However todays facts and figures are yesterdays history,,and everybody has a right to their own understanding,beliefs and opinions,,wheather somebody else agrees or not,,,Always nice talking Hec.


    Xsacly Terry,


    Having differing views on every subject is normal and natural because we are all different people with different.....everything. No rubber-stamping here. We are all original and perfect just the way you are. Many have attempted to make the worlds peoples fit neatly into categories of similarities and differences...and it seems so real...until we start to see all of those varrables and differences resulting in category drift and the effects are that the category game simply does not one stays on the same basic principals all the time. We all just do the best we can at the time. 


    Once in a blue moon i have found someone has the same basic thoughts about subjects as me ,an even i with them,strange but trure,

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