    how does a 10 year old make money

    0  Views: 622 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Collect aluminum and sell it.........

    Start by looking around your house to see what jobs your parents don't like doing ie cleaning the car or the bathroom "I'll clean the car for you for £2  if you will teach me how the first time. Its important you learn to do anything properly if you want to be paid for it. it is no good you offering to do something and then it has to be done again. You won't get any more jobs if that happens. However  if you become very good at whatever you are offering to do you will then be able to offer to do the same thing for neighbours  too. One other thing you must remember is that it is no use you  thinking you are going to earn even as much as a 16 year old. if anyone is going to pay thy rate they will employ the older person. No you have to prove you are better and cheaper and you'll get the work. Another thing which needs the help of a grown up who has a bank account is to sell things like you old toys or anything lying around the house your parents don't want on ebay but only sell one thing first. Then save up all the things you want to sell until ebay give you a free listing day. Then quickly list them all.



    Start by looking around your house to see what jobs your parents don't like doing ie cleaning the car or the bathroom "I'll clean the car for you for £2  if you will teach me how the first time. Its important you learn to do anything properly if you want to be paid for it. it is no good you offering to do something and then it has to be done again. You won't get any more jobs if that happens. However  if you become very good at whatever you are offering to do you will then be able to offer to do the same thing for them too. One other thing you must remember is that it is no use you  thinking you are going to earn even as much as a 16 year old. if anyone is going to pay thy rat they will employ the older person. No you have to prove you are better and cheaper and you'll get the work. Another thing which needs the help of a grown up who has a bank account is to sell things like you old toys or anything lying around the house your parents don't want on ebay but only sell one thing first. Then save up all the things you want to sell until ebay give you a free listing day. Then quickly list them all.



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