    Why is Canada the worst place for someone to live on this planet earth?

    +1  Views: 1712 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    Have you tried Siberia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan?

    To name a few.


    Boy,this guy's got it in for the poor old Canucks.Wonder what they ever did to him?

    What part of Canada do you live in?  I have lived in many parts of Canada and they have all been very nice.  You should try Garbage City in Egypt and then complain.


    And this is a hop skip and a jump from where Iive in Canada ....



    And this...


    Have a wonderful day 'eh!

    country bumpkin

    WOW! So Pretty!

    We are blessed!

    Which is your house, fishy,one of the ones in the top picture that has not been completed yet??

    Nope... That is the only place I can't drive my car to. I am a fortunate soul.

    great pics fishy..

    Beautiful Canada pictures! Garbage City in Egypt-Yuck! Why the garbage?

    This garbage is collected, sorted and then sold. People make a living doing this. It actually is quite interesting ... however, I still feel very blessed. :)
    British Columbia is very beautiful. We have a completely different re-cycling system. ... New country - less people - less waste.

    Go get 'im Fishy.This guy is a fool.Canada is probably the most visually stunning place on the planet.Too bad it's so cold.LOL

    We tell everyone that it's really cold so that we can have loads of room to ourselves!!! :D

    Haha! Like us over here.We've got room to burn,(No pun intended)but everyone crowds into the eastern coastline.(Mainly).
    PS.Love those Orcas.

    You guys have the Great Barrier Reef ... OMG!! In my world!


    Speaking of nice places to live.Our tenants on the Gold Coast have just quit,so we will be going down there for a week or 2 before the next tenant moves in.I'll flick you some pics.I think you will be impressed.(Early Feb).

    Nice... I would love that. :)

    Where do you live? Check out Burkina Faso, Haiti, North Korea, and many other countries before posting such trash, "Goat's head soup"!   Also, I can't find Canada on this list: Can you?

    if you live in Canada and have to ask that question then you wont listen to anything i say.

    WOW!  You must live in a cave!  There are so many places on this planet inhabited by people with dirty drinking water, very little food, a lot of scarry bad diseases, and violence!  Moving those folks to Canada would be a blessing!  Get over it!  You live in a beautiful country with clean water, food, proper health care, and little violence!  Count your blessings- seriously!


    I think Canada would be my next choice after Oz as a place to live.Maybe in the Southern part where it's warmer.As south as possible.Near Florida.LOL

    Ahhh I'd like to live in Equatorial Canada myself- LOL

    something makes me think you believe you already know the answer to your question... are you going to tell us... and why?

    I am an American living  in Detroit, which by the way is North of Canada at one point.(at Windsor).

    Canada is a beautiful, educated and forward thinking country. We share the largest unprotected border in the world.Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are world-class cities.

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