    Crocodile found on Gold Coast

    A real live salty,but relax,it's a baby less than a foot long.They are saying it was dumped there by someone who brought it down frm up North.Some railway workers found it At Southport.It's now in a wildlife park where it will be cared for.

    +4  Views: 1281 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: crocs

    4 Answers

    I'm kinda glad it wasn't in Dundee, think of the headlines.



    I guess it's more of a headline here because there have been rumours of them moving down the Queensland coast.A full grown adult was reportedly sighted in the Mary river just 175 miles north of Brisbane.

    Never had a problem with crocs in Scotland, Sharks do roam the streets though.

    Hahaha!Yeah,we've got 'em here too.Both types.LOL

    Hi Tommy, is this an isolated case, or do you have breeding populations there?  It may end up like the Everglades in Florida, any nitwit who has a reptile that they do not want anymore has dumped them out there.  They have crossed with native snakes to make super breeds, some venomous, others just constrictors.  It is a real major problem, and they are a threat to native species, and to livestock, and people living in some of the large cities bordering the Everglade National Forest.  Hope that the same is not going on in Australia.  Of course, we should give permits to have them destroyed, but to my knowledge, they are only taken if they become problem animals.  Even at that, they are placed with breeders.  Every hurricane adds to the problems, as many do escape then. 


    There are reports of them moving down the Queensland Coast.One was sighted recently in the Mary river.(About 175 miles north of Brisbane)also an unconfirmed report of one in Hayes Inlet which is only 20 miles North of us.
    They have the ability to travel hundreds of miles but usually prefer the warmer climates.

    Bustieone, like the Great White , the Salt Water Crocodile is protected, we can't kill them even if we want to without the authorities approval, may be the baby croc was looking for American Tourists.

    Kent ROTFLMAO.They are really looking after the little bugger.If they send him up to Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo he will be in Croc Paradise for the rest of his life.

    When we visited, we attempted to visit his zoo. When I asked if he was there, before buying tickets, since he was off to Hollywood, filming, we didn't go. I was on a mission for his autograph, for my niece. We went to another zoo, had a great visit, half the cost!

    Ray,sorry mate you made the wrong decision.Even without Steve being there it's FANTASTIC!
    The staff there are properly trained (Which is a nice change),extremely helpful,& just can't do enough for you.There are over 100 acres of things to see & do.Bindi's show & the Crocoseum are some of the best daytime entertainment I have ever seen.Ah well,next time mate.I'll meet you there.:)

    We want to get there at least once more before dirt gets shoveled over me!

    (Chuckle) I know what you mean mate.That's my plan for the U.S. but just for now every day on this side of the grass is a bonus.:)

    tommy, where in US interests you?

    Last time we did the South.Next time the North would be interesting.NYC,Boston,WashingtonDC.& Seattle,I've always had a hankering to see Seattle.Some of Canada would be nice too,but not too far North.I'm not into the cold.

    Tom, whilst you were there in the U.S., did you check out The Grand Canyon, amazing, documentries don't do it justice, it has the similar colours at sunset to Eyres Rock.

    Nope.never been there Kent.It was like a lot of other places we zoomed past in our haste to get to Houston & we never got the time to backtrack.

    Yeah, our relatives want to come here for a New England Christmas... We tell them, you won't take the cold! You will actually suffer, not being used to cold climates. Besides, we usually do not even get a white Christmas, did this year, however. Only snowed once since! No complaints, it is a pain to go out and remove with the snowblower, although I am glad to have one. I guess that I could not take the heat/humidity of Townsville in their summer either!

    yes it gets pretty hot in Townsville,bad enough here.Lucky I love it.BTW Birdsville western Qld ecorded 49.6 deg celcius yesterday.That's a record.

    I do not think that I could deal with that heat. How about the cold, can you handle 0 F. or less? We also get a wind chill factor which brings the fells like temp even lower... Have you ever seen snow, Tommy? I will mail you a snowball, ha-ha.. Or you could make "snow ice cream" to keep you cool.. Ray

    Yes mate I have seen snow & plenty of it.Nice to look at but that's all.It did actually snow here in Brisbane one June day back in 1982.
    I have seen "0" deg.too.Don't like it much either.LOL

    Uh, I thought you guys had crocs already, are they just regional? I've never even seen an alligator in the wild.....


    Yes we do have crocs already & they are regional. They're more natural habitat is in the far north tropical zone.I have seen an alligator in the wild in Louisianna.I have also seen several crocs in the wild in the Northern Territory.I didn't get too close th either of them.:)

    that is cool and cute but what is ur question

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