    can i hook up my wii to a home theater system?

    0  Views: 840 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago


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    Check if your Home Theater system has a stereo sound input on the back. Also is your WI hooked up by standard cables (the ones it came with) or is it hooked up with composite cables? If it's hooked up with standard cables it's going to be a very simple process, if it's with composite it's going to be a bit more difficult. If you used standard here's what you need to do: Simply keep the video(yellow) end plugged in and if your home theater system has stereo sound inputs (red and White) plug the Wii's red and white cables in the back, then change the function (if you can, some do it automatically) to either AUX or T.V. Some thing that can get the sound through the sound system. If you're using composite simply keep all the cables plugged in the T.V except for one red and one white audio cable, then just plug those into the back of your home theater system. You can also try to hook up the Wii directly into the home theater system, but according to the information you provided you would need a composite cable. They usually cost around 10 to 30 dollars, I hoped that I helped.


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