    Are you coming over for Christmas dinner ?

    I am at my neighbour my computer has been hacked. The pof page does not load at my house. 

    +1  Views: 904 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    I'm in front of your door. Open it now!!!

    Nope, sorry, fully booked, maybe next year.

    Merry Christmas when it arrives.

    It is with regret that I need to decline such a lovely invitation.  Thank You for thinking of all of us here at aka, all of my Animals, and KOTF's Fleas.  Sincerely, Doc Doo

    Sorry, we have previous plans, maybe next year.  Invite earlier than a 3 day notice though, please...

    I'm eating chili in New Braunfels for Christmas.  Sorry but thanks for the invite!

    What does your computer have to do with Christmas dinner? Are you serving """" Pie for dessert?


    I’ve noticed that on TV shows almost all the character use an Apple. Why is that do you think? Does Apple have a deal with them? Is this the way Apple advertises?

    to itsmee, probably

    I suspect your computer has not been hacked. Call a computer tech and have him clean up your computer. I can always tell a computer novice. If you can't get it to work, you claim it's been hacked. Trust me, no true hacker wants to know your information.


    I thought I killed my first computer- no one could get it running...and then I opened it up to get the motherboard and the entire insides were covered with black mold. Needless to say, I got another computer.

    doolittle: Are you kidding? That sounds sooo awful. How would DANGEROUS black mold (or mildew) get in there?

    itsmee I lived in a 250 yr old home with no air conditioning for a few summer it rained and rained and the black mold grew and grew- I bleached all of the furniture, floors, walls, and ceilings several times that summer (but not the computer)

    doolittle: That house was haunted. It tried to get your computer to give you the plague! What a terrible story. Interesting though.

    YES. If you don`t mind paying the plane fare  ,for my family and friends one hundred "OH thank you .If you cant ,that`s alright I will just have to unfreeze the "DUCK" I recived from AKAQA it`s a "big "QUACKER "

    I’m booked for Christmas eve.  A few nice people are coming for leftovers on Christmas day. You’re cyberally invited. So is everybody for that matter.  Happy Holidays.

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