
    0  Views: 1093 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    I hate to break the news to Aka members , it did not happen , it is now the 22nd in New Zealand.

    12 Answers

    As soon as the date minute after midnight....wherever you live!  Ready? Set? Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think we are all still alive.

    Ahh..another doomsday prediction has come and gone. :)

    Kaboom! ... no wait... Kaboom... nothing... wait............................ boom?.... Nope, still waiting...... would anyone like to come over for cake and tea?

    So far so good.It is now 12.47 PM in Australia.I will let you know if anything starts to happen.

    Deleted User

    Lol I have my watch set lol it's 12-50 now phew lol

    It is now 9.45pm ACST. Pyth, nothing has happened yet and it never will.

    Any time after midnight. Byeeeeeeeeeeee

    Hi Everyone, so we are still here. I for got it was suppose to be dooms day yesterday, I went Christmas shopping/ Good thing I dont believe in such rubbish.



    10 something. P.M.. Note that it's already 12/21 in Australia..........

    The Mayans did not predict he world would end 21/12, it is only their calendar that ended, if anyone is gullible to believe it is the end of days, need their head read. ha ha , lol.

    Time is an invention of the Devil, having nothing more interesting to do than to make calendars and watches to measure the passage of moments. It seems like useful information, but the notion is just another ruse to involve folk in future planning and scheming to control others by the standardization of all into calendar events and useless formats. God made seasons. Demonically inspired man is bringing change to the weather to make one season….summer, and death to all.  December 21, 2012 is the last cool season…so that will make it dooms day.  

           Or not, and we all live happily ever after.     


    I love Krishnamurtis' take on 'time' being comparable to terms of consciousness and desire (gosh I'm sure I'll get this right)....ok...In the possible 'future',let's say I possess a desire...if it is satiated then it lies within the 'present'...and any dissatisfaction I may have about the outcome, lies in 'past' regret. Get rid of 'desire' and it follows that one will suffer less dissatisfaction and regret.
    Now the clock thing...well that is another story...peace.
    Can't you guys get it, the world isn't ending. Just because you watched a stuiped movie doesn't mean the world is ending.
    BTW the movie was released in 2010. How could they even predict things are going to happen after 730 days (2 years).

    This shall happen 12-22-12 shall come to pass  some picture to help us laugh""""""""""""""



    I bet poor cats needed the litter after that ride lol.

    You're welcome lindilou:)

    Its not going to end for another 4 to 5 billion years.


    Well, we really can't know THAT for sure either.

    Thats the expected time the sun will expand to engulf the earth.

    They still can't predict the correct weather for tomorrow, so I doubt that "the expected time" is accurate for 4 billion years away.
    lindilou any case...I'm gonna finally get that tan....lotion anyone? LOL

    Well, beside the snowstorm and today is the first day of winter, nothing has happen yet. It is 11:20pm (EST). With 40 minutes to go, everything seems normal. My little nephew was wishing for snow. Today he got his wish! 


    That`s cute Chell..Glad he got his wish!:-)

    Really? The Maya (which built the calender which says the world will end on the 21) believes that the world won't end on the 21.Also, I think the Maya ran out of space to keep going.And besides, the world will end when the sky turns red.I think.

    every year or so they say the world is going to end on a certain date. They did that too, when I was in Jr. High  AKA  Middle School . My dad said back then that they said that once when he was a kid. The reason they predict that is because they can make a lot of money off of it book and movies and such .


    Yeah MCM..No doubt we`ll be issued with some farfetched reason in great detail as to why the world didn`t end at that time yesterday..and am expecting a NEW date and time to follow that "explanation"...shortly after!:-)lmao!:-) ;-) ;-0

    Why would anybody believe what people proclaimed back then. There is nothing special about them. Its bad enough we have people these days like farrakahn believing there is a mothership circling earth.

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