    How can I find out if a hand gun if registered?

    0  Views: 621 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers


    Each state has its own laws regarding private gun sales, or gifts as the case may be. Not sure a handgun can just be "given" away anymore. Inherited, sure, but not a gift. I know in my state, there is paperwork to do. Your State may be different, but it is your responsibility to find out what is required and what is not.

    Also, maybe more importantly, do you know anything about guns? Do you have training, or plan on getting some?

    Listen, worst case is the gun is stolen and it was used in a crime. Now, you have it. Now, you may be in possession of a stolen firearm. Felony, I believe. If it is stolen, how would you prove that you didn't steal it without the proper documentation? Answer - you can't.

    If you want a gun, go through the proper channels, and get it from a legal, licensed seller. If your friend wants to give it to you, fine, but make sure you do the paperwork necessary.

    Best case is that it is 100% legally owned, but I still think there is a transfer process you need to address. Check the State laws on this or you could still end up in trouble.

    Here's where I would look for information on legally transferring a firearm. Sometimes, the state attorney general's website has firearm law information. Check there.

    Check the NRA website for local resources, and for State laws also. Maybe someone (local NRA person) in your area can fill you in on the local laws you need to be aware of. Also, they can hook you up with training. Please get some training!

    As to the other question, I do not think you can find out about the gun without actually going to the police to see if it was reported stolen at some time. They would run the serial number, and see.

    If it were stolen, they would likely demand you to turn it in to them, and inquire as to how and from whom you got it, which would be justified.

    As an aside, I'm not a lawyer or anything, so take the above info for what its worth, but you want to think this through seriously and do the right thing.

    Every time I buy a gun I call the local sheriff and give him the serial on it to check the background of the gun 

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