    Christmas Spending 2012: More or Less than 2011 ?

    Will you cut back from last year's purchases or do your part to stimulate the economy?

    +7  Views: 969 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    I'm unemployed and broke.  I'm spending a little bit more than last year- there are a couple of very special friends that have been angels to me- I can't afford much but I got them each a little something. 


    Sorry to hear that. What does your crystal ball tell you about outlook 2013 ?

    That maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be divorced and maybe, just maybe they'll figure out what's wrong, fix me up, and get me back to work! I am a hopeful person...but over the past few years I have had my hopes dashed 1 too many times..thus the maybe just maybe statement!

    Lucky '13. YOU'LL see.

    I'll spend about the same. I was cheap last year and it worked, so why change?


    You deserve all the cubic zirconia you get this Christmas.

    Nobody will spend THAT MUCH money on me!

    Nice one Ducky!...I so agree!Xx

    You can even dress cheap these days, and look rich .

    Thrift shops are great. I love it when someone says, "Oh what a beautiful sweater" and I paid $6.00 for it!

    Yes too true Ducky, some of us know how to look good in anything. lol

    It's attitude...all attitude! LOL!!

    I am so hurtin' broke that I am no longer Santa Claus...sorry kids...your letters of apology and pieces of coal will be in your stockings...for those of you who can't afford stockings...well, I'll just leave yours on your doorstep...if you have one, in which case if you do not....I'll leave the stuff out by the tent and lacking'll be in my shopping cart full of junk...yet, I digress...oy!

    I'm spending less , just can't do expensive anymore.


    Many don't appreciate "expensive" anyway!

    Too many of us get stressed out by thinking they have to spend..spend..spend at Christmas...and many run into debts in the N.year!...Is it worth all that stress?..Is that the true meaning of Christmas?!...I think not!;-)...spend within your budget and not a penny..or should that be dime/cent more!;-)

    If you are going into debt to buy gifts, it's probably due to financial struggles in the first place. Friends should understand that. Like I've said before, many do not appreciate what you give them anyway. You could hand them the moon and still not hear a thank you.

    I bought and mailed cards (to those I have addresses for) and bought for my housemate.....Last year and the years before, I didn't even do cards............


    I guess you're bucking the trend out there by spending more than last year.

    Less is more.  I am making presents again this year.  I am re-using, re-purposing, adding flair and love. It has been bothering me how out of control Christmas has become.


    What do you re-use?

    I make my wrapping out of bits and pieces of other paper such as Jos paper, card stock, crafting paper and cool bits and pieces of wrapping paper. I save cards and re-purpose them. I take apart ornaments and re-purpose those. I make landfill look good!! :D

    *I must say that in order to make these items look good I have to spend a lot of money on art supplies. (Does that part count?)

    Far less cash, but at least as much love.  
    I did get two sons and the "daughter-in-law" cell phone service for 2 years on my plan....about $70/month combined.  She threw it back in my face, so I'm done with giving her anything except the answer to what time it is.
    I understand my youngest may need cell phone service.  I'm hoping he will accept the additional "gift"; if not, I'll use the service to put a line in my home.
    Next year will be way less. No doubt about it.   


    I bet you can't wait to be invited to your D.I.L.'s for turkey dinner next Thanksgiving.

    She pushed my last button. I care about her, but she is one very stupid woman. Mother of my grandchildren, so must be civil. If she ever cooks a Thanksgiving meal, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

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