    Can a 14 year old child acompany her mother on a medical mission?

    +1  Views: 1881 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: medical

    7 Answers

    The patient can request anyone they want to accompany them in the consultation.Unless the Doctor says otherwise.

    depends on the Dr. But, I would think any reasonable Dr. would let the 14 yr. old come in and watch her mother get some tests done, if that's what the mother wants, and if it's ok with the girl.

    If the mother and doctor think that it is appropriate I can't see why not

    If the mother is comfortable with her daughter in the consulting room,why not?

    It depends, on how close the mother and daughter are, how sensible and mature the daughter is, and what the problem is that the mother is having a consulation about. Not always a good idea I would think.

    It might be a question for the  doctor.  I am inclined to think it isn't a good idea. 

    Depends on the mission. You really need to be more detailed in your question. This is a general question and answer forum staffed by volunteers, most are common workers or retired folks. We do the best we can to answer questions posted here. 

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