
    Tell me what do you think i think stay Obama stay. democrats and republican answer.

    0  Views: 850 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    good thank you i just want every thing to be better and gas prices are now 3.65 to 3.80

    Also i am wandering what everyone else is saying and thinks.

    I want home heating oil to come down so it does not cost me $800.00 to fill my 300 gallon oil tank.

    I think people here are plain tucked out discussing Obama and his failed policies. We've had a great many such questions here on this forum.

    Well I want Obama out of hear Need a Republican in and about the Gas and Heating Oil prices I know we hate to see the prices go up But I work on Boats pushing Chemicals for Refinerys and alot people don't understand but when Gas and Oil goes up and stay up everybody gets raises because thats whats running the US

    Everyone gets raises? Have you looked at the number of unemployed? Do you see how many companies have down sized their workforce? Maybe you get a raise but no one else is going to. When gas prices go up, it has nothing to do with a better economy.

    I’m in Northern California and Gasoline is $4.85. Firewood $300.00 a cord. Heating oil is $3.87 per gallon. High prices indicate our inefficiency and ineptness in dealing with our wants and needs.

    4 Answers

    I'm neither Democrat nor Republican but I am counting the days and hoping he's exit bound come Jan 2013.  

    I don't trust Romney.  I think he will cause more problems than create solutions.  I'm not thrilled with the choice but so far, Obama has my vote.


    Wow, I'm sad for you. I'm sad for me if Obama gets back in. I may move to Canada.

    Yup our Canadian friends will have guests that never leave!

    I would leave after the 4 years are up and Mr Moron is no longer in charge. 4 years of that whiner is enough.

    Bushdidit! Bushdidit! Bushdidit! Bushdidit! Bushdidit!...............ugh!

    and Romney will blame Obama and such goes DC politics- try living here-OY!

    I don;t think Romney will do that. Trust me, I do not like the man but his policies at least come from some experience. Something Obama went into office without and never really cultured and grew.

    Ya know, we do have a freind in Hawaii that is going to move to the land of friendly elephants....that seems a viable option for the winter months :)

    ummm Romney wasn't a citizen of the state he became Gov. of- what the flip was that about?

    Tit for tat, I do not believe Obama is a natural citizen of the USA. I think he was naturalized.

    I don't think there is a good solution to the countries problems in these guys.

    Nope. We need them both to go away so we can start again.

    I agree! WE agree!!!!

    doolittle, don't feel bad, romney does not trust himself. he says one thing one day and totally contradicts himself the next day. Some are saying that he is so good at it that he should debate himself, since he has two diffrent answers for each question. Actually Mitt Romney cracks me up. That's where I have been getting all my laughs from lately. I study communications really hard, and I have never seen anything like Mitt Romney. I listen to every word he utters. His wife shoud have been the one to run. But if he wins, at least we will have his wife as first lady, very smart. No for Romney.

    Put it like this . . . If Obama does not stay we are in for more Bush action.   There is so much information out how Bush Administration was the cause of the problems we see now.  Are people too blind to see.  I have voted democrat and republican in the past.  I try to seek and look at facts.  All the economist and everybody else is saying if Romney get in disaster is next.  Its double down on what happen before with the financial meltdown.  Do you blind crirtics want more of that.  Romney already said everything is getting rid of:  Board of Education,  Environmental Protection Agency,  and much much more.  Do you people really want to see more people in the streets.  Job growth has come up every month.  Where Bush 700,000 jobs lost a month.  People do you see that???  I saw on tv this morning a group of people are camping out in front of a company that used to be owned by Honeywell, now Bain Capital & they are begging Mitt to come back to visit them and save their jobs from going to China.  Of course Mitt get on tv and says just the opposite.  Many journalist are saying that they have never seen a politician lie as much as Romney.   & yes what about this latest video put out where he sees 47% of the population as victims that want shelter and food from the government.  Give me a break!  Obama please!!  Any body that doesn't get this needs to move to Canada.


    Job growth coming up every month is a lie. My own Governor is telling me the truth about job growth. There is none. Obama's administration lies. You have still yet to tell me where all these new jobs are that Obama supposedly created. Where are they? They certainly didn't appear in my state.

    What can Mitt do right now about jobs in some undisclosed location? You did not mention where in the world these people are camping out at. What does Obama say about these people and the company? Shouldn't Obama be the one addressing the issue of saving these jobs? So now, instead of blaming Bush, you Obama supporters are going to blame Mitt?

    If these journalists are saying they've never seen a politician lie as much as Romney, then they have either been paid off by Obama or they have not been paying too much attention to Obama. Where is his transparent administration? It never materialized! We go to bed one night and wake up in the morning to new rules and new laws we had no idea where even being discussed. They just happened, over night.

    I already explained Mitt's comments in another thread concerning his comments based on my opinion. Yes, many of the Obama supports want that socialist government. One where they are taken care of and supported by those who work harder and earn more. "Tax the rich and give to us!", they cry. Anyone who wants that kind of government so they sit back and be supported needs to move to the old socialist Russia!

    tabber you must be watching MSNBC, the extremely left hate channel. They are forever critical of the right and make things up as they go. Obama promised to cut the deficit in half in his first four years in office, instead he has added 6 trillion dollars to the deficit. He has made many promises that he did not keep. So who is the liar here? Think about it.

    Obama, I'm starting to believe he is the Anti-Christ. Slime ball.

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