    How can I get my indoor cat to loose weight without starving her?

    My cat is 9 years old and her weight has gotten to about 15 pounds. I Love her and want her to loose weight without starving her.

    0  Views: 1052 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago



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    You are both right. I'm killing her with the bad kind of kindness kind of kindness.

    Thank you!

    5 Answers

    I agree with Millie, measure what you give, cut down a bit with everything.  I have a best friend who is a veterinarian, and he tells me that our family bulldog (my sons 56 lb. female) should only get 1/4 cup of feed, twice per day.  My son feeds her 1 cup twice per day, she is overweight, but not obese.  The vet says that it does a world of good from all health points, and pet owners are making business for the vet by overfeeding their pets!  Hips, diabetes, cardiac, obesity, arthritis, and other problems are associated with over feeding.  Most cat owners pour feed out and free feed their cats.  Measure less than what is recommended (as you want her to lose weight) and if she doesn't eat, remove the dish, and make her eat on a determined schedule, not all day... Good luck. 


    Very true @bustieone...we used to have the 24/7 food problem as was easier than working out who`d had food and who hadn`t!!...Now have learned to headcount!...and seperate those who`ve been fed from the late comers!!..They still try and guilt trip you...(They`d sell me for one crunchie)!!;-)...But it`s so much better now it`s more organized!:-)

    Don`t feed her..on demand..cats are devious!!....Have set meal times ...with the occasional treat...try fresh foods(COOK)..liver,chicken,fish can get full nutritional low cal/carbs  cat food..check out ..."The Science Diet/ioms light and others..ask your vet nurse for advice..get into a regular food routine..plenty of H20 with solid/crunchie often high in salt!...regular weigh ins and health checks!!

    very good easy to give into them I know....but don`t!!!:-)


    Thank you for your advise. I feel so sorry that she has to stay inside, I guess I spoil her a little.

    COM'ON PEOPLE! What about paying more attention to the cat &   >>PLAYING<<                              It's called  >> exercise<<  for the cat. It isn't just about what food & how much...


    I have the same concern for my dog.  I asked the vet what to look for in weight reducing dry food, then at first mixed that with what he was already eating (half/half). I measured a bit less than required for the 2 feedings he gets per day. (He's 86lb Lab/Great Pyranese but needs to lose about 15 lb) Over a period of a couple weeks I gradually decreased the high calorie stuff with the weight reducing food.  I feel bad because I know he doesn't like it as well, but in the long run we'll be able to spend more happy/energetic times together! I've also increased walks and indoor play with him as well as made my own dog treats.  Check out Google for recipes...I found several for dogs.  Best of luck ~ Try to avoid those begging "kitty eyes"  and you'll both feel better.   :-)

    ive the same thing with my cat and i found heathey food at pet smart buy that it made my cat lose wait

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