    how can you tall if a boy is gay or not ?

    wondering????? Colleen please answer this



    +2147483647  Views: 889 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    You're being a naughty little girl.

    Umbriel, what I do not understand is why you are pretending to be a 12 year old girl. Your fun is over. This account will be deleted.

    Wait, I figured it out, it's not you Umbriel. This account is coming from your warehouse. So, is this how hard you all work there? Umbriel acts like the job is so demanding. Pfffft. Awful lot of playtime there.

    Inny you should not have let on that you are Portuguese. Umbriel prides himself on the fact that all the cute 20somthings at his job (you know all the girls from Portugal) like to smile at the old wolf and make his day by stretching their t-shirts tighter. Have you ever read his stuff here? You might actually get to see a whole new side to the old goat, I mean wolf.

    Amazing how you just stumbled apon this question Umbriel. :) Her IP takes her to the very same place you work. Isn't that interesting too?
    I don't think greatest of all time is too steep for you. It's where your ego places you. It's what you try to pass off here. As for her age, you would know better than me. She certainly tried to pass herself off as young judging by her questions and answers. But then, we do know you like 'em young. :)

    5 Answers

    Are you sure they are not just telling you they are gay? Aren't you like 12? I doubt all the 12 year old boys are gay. 

    amazing inny

    you dont know me and i really wanted u not to awnser this cuz u r really anoying , i hav read things that u have written and ur rude so please dont awnser any of my questions and awnsers and i wont awnser or question u.I'm not talling u how old i am ur a stranger to me and i really dont like u

    I believe you've posted to the forum that you are 12. I've received complaints about the way you answer questions, this is why I watch you. You are too young to be here. Whether you like me or not makes no difference. I am moderating this forum. You need to not be rude to people who moderate a forum.

    I suggest you do not give thumbs down just because you have issues.
    amazing inny

    look i hate not likeing someone so please can we just be friends

    You made the decision to say what you said in a rude and nasty tone. I did not deserve that from you. I do not deserve it from anyone. Sometimes you just have to live with your own words and learn from them.
    amazing inny

    okay then just stop talking to me

    You need to drop the attitude. You are a spoiled little girl. I will talk to you if I feel I need to talk to you.
    amazing inny

    you really should stop talking to me no affence you dont know me you shouldn't care about what i do

    You are on a forum I moderate. Because of that, I care what you do here. You do not know me either but you decided to post a very rude and nasty comment about me for all to see. Like I said, sometimes you have to live with your words.

    Inny, where did you go? Off to get some pizza and wine?
    amazing inny

    no i had to go and get some meat im going to france on sunday and thought it might be nice to give my friends in france some good and proper british meat

    Does that mean Umbriel? Icky.
    amazing inny

    no it means i have friends in france

    I'm sure the trip is too long for the old man anyway.
    amazing inny


    Please, do not act like you do not know. I see where your account is coming from ;)

    Not so much fun playing a forum troll when you get found out, is it? :)
    amazing inny

    get a life, colleen my dear you'r really anoying did you realise that and i dont give a doo-doo if you del my acount less of you i will see!!!!!LOL!!!!:)XXXX

    I just love trolls, I think I'll keep you as a pet!!!!LOL!!! XXX
    amazing inny

    you must be looking in the mirror then

    Oh no, straight on at the computer screen and the silly girl named amazing inny :) Watch your age my dear, I hear once you hit 30, you're over the hill.
    amazing inny

    you'r over aged like 582 my dear, you have hit the hill more than once

    With hills come knowledge and life experiences. You'll get there dear. It takes time but I have faith in you. XXX
    amazing inny

    stop being nice to me its scaring me

    Was I being nice? I'm sorry. I'll go back down to your level then. XXX
    amazing inny

    thank you you do just that you where scaring me being nice is very rare for people like !!!!!LOL xxxxx :)

    You just haven't had a chance to get to know me. I'm nicer than most 66 year old wolves :) Tell me, what's it like being at work and having an old wolf ogling your umm, "headlights"?
    amazing inny

    your 66 no wonder you'r a pain

    No, I'm 50. You know who the wolf is. I'm sure you've given him many of those famous smiles he brags on and on about. Do I pain you really? I'm sorry.........not XXXX
    amazing inny

    yes u pain me that is what i said dumbo
    amazing inny

    i have something to do ill be back FRIEND, dont worry this fighting will continue

    We're fighting? Gee, I thought I was just playing with a troll in just the manner that a troll likes to play. Watch out with the name calling, the people here view that as you getting mad. You don't want them to think I'm getting you mad do you? I'm assuming it's check out time at work. See you when you get home?
    amazing inny

    im back i went to tall my friends about you they like you cuz ur a pain

    Tell Umbriel his account is going to be suspended permanently if any more of his work mates show up to troll. This includes your account and Burnley.Johns.
    amazing inny

    im helpful i just helped someone with a maths problem

    Sorry, playtime is over.

    dougsanborn1 is looking for you amazing inny. have fun, see a movie or something together.



    Ha ha ha...that is hilarious, Robert! :D

    Don't forget the pizza and the wine.

    Amazing NINNY should be your name! What do you think you are doing besides taking up typing space? You really need to get a life! Why do you care if someone is gay?  If you are 12 or do you just spell that way? Chill pill in order! Quit being a puppet!

    In my life talling how a boy is gay, is a hard task as they come in many different shapes and sizes. See height really has nothing to do with ones sexuality. I know many Lesbians are 5ft5 or under so you maybe looking at Lesbians for a tall gay man?

    Stereo typically the big strong nice smelling man is the gay one, he is well educated well spoken and has never had a girl friend he will bring "FRIENDS" home called Mark or David. Until one day a door will open due to his height he will have to duck generally gay men are 5ft11" or 6ft tall.. Unless they are Migets


    If he seems uninterested in girls and woman. If when he sees a bunch of them walking by him, he doesn't really look at them . If he seems distant to you and other girls. If he has girl friends, but just to talk to , or hang out with. If he takes out a girl, and doesn't seem to want to kiss, or play touchy-feely


    This was not a real question. It was a set up for me so inny could give me a hard time. I should have locked it. Sorry.

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