    IF YOU KNEW.............

    your unborn child was going to be severely handicapped, would you abort? 

    As for me: my third pregnancy occurred when I was in my late 30's. My sons were 2 and 3. My (now x) husband and I agreed that if the amniocentesis confirmed handicaps, we would abort in favor of giving the two more attention and opportunities than might have been available to them otherwise.  Our third son was "healthy". I don't know that I could have cared for a specials needs child; I think my motives were selfish, and I'm thankful I wasn't faced with the decision. 

    +13  Views: 1949 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    15 Answers

    Diffficult question to answer. I honestly dont know what I would have done many years ago.

    I just wanted a baby to love. I could love a handicapped child.....


    I definitely would love any child I had, Julie. I just wanted to give everything I could to the two we already had. You'd think by late 30's, the brain would be on a little straighter...

    A lot of women feel that way. Age. What a concept but look at @Fishlet, she was in her late 40's when she gave birth to a perfect child....

    Very blessed. God doesn't make mistakes. He knew just where this little guy would thrive!

    Really tough answer but the question is very good I cannot anwer this as it has never happened and now it will never happen I can  see the the pros and the cons I take my hat of to all parents who have gone through this and they have raised the child and I have seen sooo many that dont make it through to 5yrs sorry I am pleased I was never id that situation good question

    That`s one terrible position to be in...I could and would love any child..but I can see where you`re coming from..That`s One brave decision..either way imho!...TBH...I just don`t know what I`D have done,whatever age:-0...I`d like to say I`d not abort..but what a question!!:-Z...(This is going to be one busy site)!!!


    No easy answer, that's for sure. Thanks for your honest answer, millie111.

    @Bob..maybe a bit too honest:-¬...Even answering it makes me feel terribly guilty!!:-(

    It was hard for me to read my own answer. :(

    How I look at it, is this, if that child is meant to be born normal or abnormal, it will be born no matter what, if i was meant to rear and look after my child with abnormalities well that is what was intended for me to do.I feel God makes these decisions for us.

    This is a really hot topic!

    I'll answer but won't debate it with anyone

    because it's my own personal view.

    I don't believe in abortion.


    Hopefully, all answers will be respected on this question.

    That's a good way to put it, PKB. :)

    I applaud the honesty of all of the responses.  I personally do not feel that I know for sure, exactly WHAT I would have done, had I been in that circumstance.  I believe that anyone can say what they WILL do, what they WOULD have done, what you SHOULD do, what you SHOULDN'T do.  That is the easy part.  The difficult part, is when you are actually in that position yourself.  Only then, can we be so certain of the outcome. Talking about a situation and being "in it",  are vastly different!  My heart goes out to those who have had to go through such an experience.


    Couldn't say this any better, Ducky. We speak emotionally at this point; when actually faced with the reality....
    I don't know anyone with a special needs child (or adult child) who hasn't been infinitely blessed by that child.

    I wouldn't.  Not my call.


    sometimes it is the call of the parents,even after birth, life saving measures are often required versus a painless (often with medical assistance) natural death,that would in some instance be a certainty

    I don't believe in abortion, not for any reason, I think it is immoral and should never be considered or legal. If we had a child with special needs it would be just that and loved just the same as any other child.


    If the mother's life were in jeopardy... Friends had a baby and the mom had some serious health issues. Doctors said there was a possibility that either she or the baby might not survive. What do you think the Dad/Husband said to the doctors?
    (Not giving you a hard time, because I understand what you are saying; just want to give you a different perspective)

    Yes Bob that's a difficult question. I think if it were at the begining of the pregnacy maybe it would need to be considered. My wife almost lost her life having our first son forty years ago, then no one had to make any decisions, it was just left to the doctors and nurses to do what they could for both mother and baby.I wouldn't want to be asked to make a decision like that. I hope you understand my feelings, I'm sure you do. xx

    Thank you for answering sunnyB; I agree there is no easy answer. My friend told the doctor to save his wife if the crisis came down to one or the other; thank God, both survived.
    I do understand your feelings; this is a tough question.
    I am glad your wife and son survived and that you had other children. Blessings!

    My ans to this question is not an easy one!  The only thing I can say is that God wont give you anything more than you can handle.


    I personally know of two parents that suicided having been unable to cope with the demands of a very high challenge child (currently in care and always will be)

    lambshank, that is incredibly sad to read

    Bob,it is very sad,and it's tragic to see how many families have been torn apart by high need,high challenge children/siblings,a lot of people criticise families for putting them in care,I totally feel for them,it's often not a case of a mildly disabled child but of 24 hour care,violence and chronic illness for starters, a big ask for the strongest of families over a lifetime

    There is simply no one answer that fits every person and every circumstance. My friend has been a caregiver to many family members through the years, all the while working full time, raising two sons, and having a seriously alcoholic and abusive husband. While she has my awe, admiration, and respect, it always hurts when she berates me by reminding me of all she has done for all these people. I do the best I can; I pretty much know my limits, but if push came to shove...

    your right Bob,there is no one size fits all,and as for your friend it would seem she enjoys the role of the mater,if she were truly sincere you wouldn't be hearing of "all she does"she obviously seeks praise and admiration

    lambshank, I never thought of it that way. I'm sure a simple "thank you" would make all the difference in the world to her. We all like to feel appreciated!

    I am not ,nor ever have been in favour of abortion,however I work with people with disabilities,all dual diagnosis. I don't think anyone can generalise or judge, all are very different,as is anyone else,many would not have survived after birth without medical intervention,an ethical nightmare. Should they have been kept alive, I think not in some circumstance, others are happy and healthy and in fact enjoy a good quality of life, facing  this decision  would involve many factors, degree of disability would be of major concern, and if the disability was severe and quality of life reserved to lifelong total dependence, pain,confused mental state, and poor quality of  life, I would have to yes, I wouldn't condemn anyone to a life of torture.   

    Do what is right or what heart says ?

    I would take what God gave me and deal with it........


    and I believe you,sincerely



    PKB., You think you can't. But, when it actually happens, you would step up to the plate. Actually, Downs syndrome kids are easier going  and more loving than  " normal '' kids. Their teen years are a lot easer too, on the parents than a normal kid.

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