    What do/did you admire most about your parents?

     Dad: was a very successful business man. He built his reputation on integrity and humility.
    Mom:  Set goals for herself and achieved them through hard work and dedication.   



    +15  Views: 1663 Answers: 18 Posted: 11 years ago

    18 Answers

    Determination and hard work. They lost everthing in Bohemia and shipped to Germany on cattle trains.  It took many years of hard work and finally built theire own home. They were dedicated parents and dedicated to all theire families. I was very lucky. I miss them terribly.


    Were they shipped against their will to Germany,Ann ?

    The raised me. I hear it was a hard job. I think I turned out ok. : )   God! I do miss them. 


    me too....everyday :-(

    The fact that they placed their kids first, above and beyond every thing else..!


    Daren, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. The children who were raised in a stable home (Mom & Dad) grew up and became good citizens and good parents.

    "Their Hard work and their love for me unconditionally!!"

    My father: EVERYTHING

    My mother: NOTHING

    R.I.P. DAD, I miss you.

    My Dad: Was able to fix absoutely anything. He was a marvel.

                    Consequently, I was under the mistaken impression

                     that all men possessed this "fix it" gene. lol  ;)


    My Mum: Could make an old leather shoe taste good.  Sewed

                     both by hand and machine, knitted, crocheted and a

                      wonderful sense of humour.  I learned to sew from

                      her, it's my legacy. :)



    Sounds alot like my folks although I certainly didn't inherit his Mr.Fix it skills.

    Well those that can do...
    Those that can't hire...
    And some are smart enough
    to know the difference! :)

    That they chose to have me,

    Two penniless immigrants with a language barrier who overcame most obstacles through sheer determination,faith and hard work. Raised 3 kids and provided all the necessities of life. Lots of love,laughter and tears. Dad died too early to enjoy the harvest.

    Forever grateful for their simple, extraordinary voyage.




    I have a lot of contempt for both my parents, my mother denying my father,even at the cost of my child's life (she did survive,but no thanks to my mother) she lied and led a life of deceit to save face (hers) however, when the chips were really down my father finally stepped up,I had known early in life but nothing was ever said,I was 38 when he (not she) stepped in, he offered me one of his lungs as a transplant, I didn't accept but we have become quite close 


    This sounds like a horrid woman and that you are nothing at all like her.

    I think she's somewhat a socio-path,she feels she is above reproach and truly can't see how many lives she effected,and certainly not in a positive way,unfortunately my children were denied a grandfather,and by the time I knew "officially" it was too late for them to feel anything for this wonderful man,she denied him because I am her brother in laws daughter...kept it in the family!!!!!

    There was a 20/20 type show on this past week about a woman who took up with her husband's brother. Eventually the husband was murdered; the two-timing ^#&*$ walked scott free, remarried and took their children to a different state. Brother was convicted of the murder. Detectives are still trying to tie her to the murder. I hope they succeed. Disturbing. I'm sorry you were the victim of this kind of deceit.

    The deceit involved many,my father sworn to secrecy about the affair while she was still married to his brother and had a daughter to him (my 1/2 sister)I never understood why my sister was the "golden child"her husbands daughter,I understand now,I was a potential embarrassment and proof of her infidelity,I never forgot the look on her face staring at my baby girl in ICU,I pleaded for the truth for medical reasons,she looked at the gravely ill 2 week old and lied through her teeth,that I have never forgiven,that was truly wicked

    No excuse. We don't pick our parents. Thankfully, your little one survived.
    I hope your mother got her karma.

    I can see it happening,she's very lonely now (her own fault) but I still call and make sure she's O.K,I don't have any respect for her but will help her if she needs it,at least I can sleep easy,not so sure about her

    I completely understand your thoughts on that. What goes around comes around....eventually.

    My mother because she saved my life, for the rest she gave me a hard time.

    My stepfather nothing, I forgive them both.

    My real father because he was going back to Canada, after fighting in WW2 and did not know I was coming, staying alone till he dies of heart disease, hoping to see my mother again.

    I lost my sister, mother and stepfather within 6 months in 2010 and my wife 1 year later. May they rest in piece.

    I'm great full to the Lord as He let me live trough this so I'm now able to understand and help many people.

    My parents were/are terrific.  Took me close to 54 years to realize this but I do............

    My father's parents immigrated from Scotland when my father was 18 with their 8 father & his brothers had worked in a coal mine from the age of 12.They bought a sugar cane farm thru the mail (Near Bundaberg,Qld).They were horribly ripped off.Which meant my father went to work as a cane cutter for 20 seasons.Bloody hard work.

    My mum's parents immigrated from Germany when she was about 10.They had nothing.It was also years of hard work for her,even after us kids were born.

    So I guess their ability to knuckle down & work is what I admired about them both.We never had much as kids compared to what our kids had,but there was food on the table & a warm bed to sleep in.


    It is really disturbing to hear about good people getting ripped off like your dad. So many people nowadays would just buckle under the hardship; your folks are inspirational.

    cane cutting is most certainly a physically demanding job,or was back then before we had harvesters,all my uncles were coalminers down the south coast,all died from dust on the lungs work was plenty here back then,but plenty hard and many died before their time,hard times Tommyh,you have to respect them and their ethic

    Funny thing Lambshank.It was the coal dust that finally took my father too.They said that was the beginning of his lung cancer.



    That's a great attitude, Shootah.

    There always seems to be one handyman
    in the neighbourhood who is willing to
    help out and they enjoy what they do.

    Mother, her faith and kindness...

    Father, honestly and work ethic...


    Good to see you back. It's been awhile!
    Headless Man

    I'm still here just been busy and not on much, Thanks for noticing....

    Glad you are OK. We haven't seen Eggplant or ed shank for too long.
    Headless Man

    Yea, if something bad happens know one can let people know unless you have a close friend on here, pray all is well with them ant others that has been missing.

    We may need to have an "emergency contact" here.

    fOR REALLY MOST OF THE ABOVE STATED!! they never handed us anything on a plate!(except meals)!;-)...we had to work hard to achieve or earn extra cash...they gave us all an honest but real appreciation of life!:-)


    That would be one of the things my parents did wrong. They gave us every THING and that is so destructive for responsible development.

    @Bob...that`s exactly what my sister does...I can`t see much hope for the kids ever being "Normal"..(They are out of control...and I find it hard..because they boast to my kids...they are so disruptive)!:-¬

    I don't get it. I was always embarrassed because of it; even here, all these years later, I still feel an oddball because I had it so "easy".
    Too bad about your sister; she just doesn't have a clue what she is doing; if she did, she would sit down and cry.

    My parents did quite well. I am far more complex than they could possibly deal with…they did their best. When I knew they could not be close to me as they would like to be it was impossible to explain. They could not understand what had passed them by. They clung to the treasury of their limited vision of all things and believe their mental model of the world was all there is. I was no longer part of their world. I had exceeded every limitation that I saw and would not embrace as my own. So we grew apart. They are part of my world now and I see them and know their thoughts toward me and mine toward them. Eternity is boundless and life is endless. You can know and enjoy that by choosing not to forget and to accept mistakes as simple misunderstandings, yours and/or theirs. All judgment does is separate people from each other. 

    That they were able to raise me without killing me or each other. They did a great job but when we are young we don't really know how great they are and how much we appreciate their standing by us, we think as young they are in the way but in fact, they are leading the way.

    My parents are both gone now and I didn't learn this until after they were both gone, now without their leadership, I depend on my own common sense and that common sense is what they were teaching me all along and I didn't even know it.

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