    What kind of human or animal parasites are infecting people?

    0  Views: 1539 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Human parasites include various protozoa and worms which may infect humans, causing parasitic diseases.
    Human parasites are divided into endoparasites, which cause infection inside the body, and ectoparasites, which cause infection superficially within the skin.
    The cysts and eggs of endoparasites may be found in feces which aids in the detection of the parasite in the human host while also providing a means for the parasitic species to exit the current host and enter other hosts.[1]- Although there are number of ways in which humans can contract parasitic infections, observing basic hygiene and cleanliness tips can reduce its probability.[2]

    Types of Animal Parasites
    Animal parasites are generally allocated into three categories: ectoparasites, endoparasites and hyperparasites.

    Ectoparasites — An ectoparasite lives and feeds on the surface of its host. Ticks, fleas, and lice are examples of animal parasites in this category.
    Endoparasites — An endoparasite lives and feeds inside the body of its host. Roundworms that live in the digestive system, or blood parasites that live in the lymphatic system are two common examples of internal animal parasites.
    Hyperparasite — A hyperparasite is the term used to describe a parasite that resides within another parasite. For example, the larvae of tapeworm can be found in fleas before they are transmitted to animals or humans.

    Do Parasites in Animals Affect Humans?
    There are roughly four hundred different species of parasites that are known to infect humans. Some of these harmful organisms may live in the human body for months or even years causing no noticeable symptoms.

    While others may immediately cause itchy rashes, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and sleep disturbances. If left undetected, parasites may continue to multiply in the body, ultimately causing symptoms that mimic conditions such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease and even cancer.

    Sources: Various sites chosen from Google search

    The answer to this also depends where on the globe you are talking about.  As far as whether it is in a developed or underdeveloped country/culture.  Climatically, areas nearer to the equator will have more diversity of life, both macroscopic and microscopic, than lets say polar regions.  That being said, the environment will have fewer parasites available on fewer species at the colder reaches of the globe.  Another factor that enters the discussion is that most organisms are fairly host-specific, so some may not affect humans, but they may other species.  All of this doesn't give you any specific names of parasites, I know, but should help one understand that the answer will vary geographically and culturally.  The US has wiped out and many diseases caused by parasites may be unheard of here, yet those same diseases may be commonplace in, lets say, India or Africa.  I hope I have made a point to enlighten on the topic...

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