    im having a problem i found a frog in my backyard and he was in the same spot for two days .

    i brought him in and gave him his own tank lamp and water and a place to call hme but hes not eating , hes just hiding idk if hes aquatic or land, i get paid tomorrow and want to make sure i can help.   he looks like a grey tree frog but hes small and fat and grey, but his toes dont look lke a tree stuck because i dnt want to give him/her anything bad, because i dont have my info right. that would really hurt me....ty ruthe

    +1  Views: 851 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: frog

    10 Answers

    Can you take him to a near by creek and release him,nature will take care of him.

    He's a toad. He needs to be put back outside. You can not help a wildlife creature like a toad. He knows how to take care of himself. You are hurting him by taking him out of his environment. Your stressing him and stress will kill him. 

    Toads here at Yreka California eat slugs, snails and pretty much anything that they can get into their mouth. I saw one eat a scorpion one day without hesitation. Toads are tough and self-reliant. I give them places where they can go in the heat of the day…wet rock grottos.

    Your little guy/gal is a toad.  Toads don't roam too far...but they like to be free!!!  Put him/her back in that special place you found him/her...they sell ceramic toad could put it in the shade nearby.

    I`d put him where there`s food..greenery and water..hope the little guy/gal survives! :-)

    I f you really wish to the best thing for this little creature put him back where he belongs in his natural environment, he will not thrive nor probably survive if you keep him

    My dad had a sign in the mechanic's area of the shop that said (and this is my advice to you)


    (NOW, before it dies) 

    Check if it's dead if it's not...

    Take him to a pond or a lake in his own environment


    walk a round it

    it is dead

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