    What food did they eat in the 60's ?

    +2  Views: 1342 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers



    Not sure that is true. If you take food costs as a proportion of earnings, I am sure food was dearer in the 1960's than now. What is certain is that there are far more obese people now than there were 50 years ago.


    I know that doing this (above) was not something that was routine but rather, only an occasional treat.  That is why McDonald's was always trying to encourage it.  I know some young families now, who think it is the "norm" to do this 4-5 times per week. Sure not the case, in the 1960's!



    They'll be quite "big" families then?

    Yes, Us Baby Boomers sure did eat weird food.  Milk out of glass bottles,  mashed potatoes that were made from actual potatoes, Fresh fruit and veggies- winter was Hell!  Apples and Pears and maybe oranges imported from the Sate of Florida.  Shall I go on??  Perhaps this is too scary for you to think about.......

    Meat, potato, veggy, bread, and a dessert. Meat was wild game, potato and veggy were from the garden, bread was made from scratch and dessert fresh out of the oven.

    real meat and veggies. no steroids no hyponics. that was good food.


    Remember when we had to be concerned about so many foods "going bad"? Lots of today's products will last forever it seems.

    See some here.


    Yes quite!


    Same as now, minus the junk food.

    Wild boar, raw fish, berries off the vine. What would make you think that mans diet would change in a relatively short period of time? How old are you?


    Not grapes though...Big Boycott after '65.

    :) Yeah, I still eat wild boar every week...well as often as I can find a hunter to "go git me one"!
    ed shank

    A meat eating duck? Your strange.

    Look who's calling whom(?) "strange"????? lol
    ed shank

    Watch it, I've eaten duck, and I liked it. You have been put on notice.

    People in the 60’s where worried that $20 dollars would not feed a family of 4 for week if the prices continued to go up.

    We ate at home in the 60's. No canned or pre-packaged foods, all from scratch. Still do today!

    ed shank

    I would have to eat my lawn. No green thumb here. Can't grow a weed. No, not pot.

    I loved (and still do) the hamburgers............


    ed shank

    Lard, fat back. No wonder that black people have shorter life spans.

    Lamb here in Oz was actually very cheap, so lots of it with .....wait........FRESH veg, chicken was expensive so kept for special occasions, and the thing that stands out the most for me was first ever experience with the then new to Oz, KFC, yummo


    So...lamb ate lamb? :)

    So tell me...Have you seen Dorothy and Toto lately?

    I imagine a lot would depend on what part of the world we're speaking of. But, for the most part, it doesn't seem to have changed all that much. The only major exception would probably be in the amount of artificial ingredients in things.

    Same stuff, different packaging.   Less variety. Not so much "freeze dried".

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