    What are the smells that remind you most of your childhood?

    +21  Views: 2930 Answers: 31 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good question Hector TUs up from me..


    hector, I think this is the best question ever. We should all become poets. : ))

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    " The smell of home baked cookies ! " ummmmmmm :) sigh.

    My dad had a trucking company (general hauling), and the smell of tire rubber, axle grease, diesel fuel....    We had a pony, a cow, and a couple of sheep at one time, so the smell of hay, manure.....      Freshly cut grass, carnations, apple crisp baking.  
    At my elementary school, outside what is now the kindergarten room (was my 1st grade room), there is a large tree.  It drops round balls with little prickly points on them and has a very, very distinct smell.  Not long ago, I was miles away from that little school and came across a tree that had those same little prickly balls on the ground around it.  I was delighted when they smelled just like Terry School!   


    i could almostbe thier,hmm,

    Thanks for this question. Brings me some smiles!
    ed shank

    Tire rubber, axle grease, fuel. Want a pit crew job?

    Is the smell of rubber and diesel fuel a good memory for you, Bob? Nice to hear you had a farm of some sort,natural. A balance, perhaps? Your school has the same last name I carry, Terry. :-}

    The smell of a roast cooking, my mom made the best and I could smell it cooking outside of the house.....

    The smell of a pine tree takes me back to my childhood, my grandmother always had one decorated for christmas.

    country bumpkin

    Love that smell.

    Crazy as it may sound "hair perm solution"! when i was a kid my mom was a hairdresser and had a shop at home, the smell was rather odd perhaps even bitter, but thinking back at all those wonderful people and fond memories the smell of perm solution would be like a rose to me..


    Not crazy to me- perm solution def. has a distict odor!!

    It sure does , like nothing else, man i actually miss it, maybe I'll get my hair permed..what's left of it,,

    Too Cool!! LOL

    Completely and totally understand! Have worked as a professional hairstylist for many years and that smell is most unique. Must make a tremendous impression on a chlid growing up around it! Not a bad thing!

    The disgusting smell of beer. When I was little, we used to sometimes pass a pub on a corner. The men's voices coming from inside sounded like a bee hive. The smell of beer floated out and all around which almost made me puke. I still hate the smell of beer.

    ed shank

    I love my beer but after the can is empty it must go outside in the trash can, never left in the house. I also hate the smell of beer the day after.

    While in grammar school a house fire killed three siblings. I attended their funerals. The smell in the funeral home was that of lilacs. Everytime I smell that flower it takes me back to that very sad event.


    I'm sorry for you Ed.!

    Sorry to hear that, ed.
    Strange, but my grandmother's blooming purple lilac was one of my favorites.

    Death of friends at a young age make a lasting impression. What a tragedy.
    Re; pit crew: you betcha
    ed shank

    Bob, Re: pit crew: Hired. Can you fold a chute?

    So very sorry you had that happen in your familys life.......

    That's terrible sorry to hear that! Xx

    jam roly poly, never liked it much, but mum used to make it from pastry scraps, also steak and that I really hated, but remember it fact to this day I refuse to have anything to do with it, the smell I enjoyed as a child was the smell of the sea

    My grandma had a huge collection of lilac bushes! they were huge!  We could walk into a bush and just disappear! There were passages threw the whole yard!.  We loved playing in there! Also the smell of fresh baked bread! My grandma made it every other day!  I miss her! Shes been gone over 40 years now!


    We had a lilac bush for years in the back garden it never bloomed,only once the year she passed away,

    clu: What a story. It's a Lilac fortress I would like to find myself in.

    Really interesting story about your grandma, hector.

    There was an old-fashioned bar and grocery where I vacationed. (Martin's Beach, CA) the floor there was dark oak and they oiled it twice a year. Loved that smell.

    Lily of the Valley, Violets, Roses, Of course, Lilacs, Palmolive Soap, Mom's pot roast, the ocean smell is best of all forever. My man is best of all forever more and I met him when I was a little kid. (so was he!)

    Burning leaves in the gutter back in the old old old days. Applesauce with Red Hots added for extra flavor.

    My Miracle bubbles floating out the upstairs window on a fall day as the apples were just a little too ripe on a day the grown ups called Indian Summer.

    My honey says, "The first rain of the season"

    How much fun that must have been, hiding and seeking in the lilac bushes. I love the image you gave! I liked hiding in the vineyards we used to have. Some places were so roomy, you could lay down and take a nap!
    Your grandma sounds like she was a wonderful lady!

    Bob ~ I’ve heard/read that women who have wonderful grandmothers grow up to be teachers and have an ability to help children. My Grandma Carried was all that.
    You may never see this note ... You’re busy, I know.

    I am home for Saturday and happy to see your note.

    The smell of liver and onions frying in a pan... "I'm outta' here!"


    Thanx for the beauty helps so much babe!Peace!

    NB...don't mention pans to Dowse!;(... HeLl have one of his turns!!!;)

    When I was pregnant, my friend fixed liver and onions for me .... yummmm. It has to be calves liver - never beef liver.

    The scent of Dillweed and Green onions...Paw would make a sandwich with these two and everytime I smell these it reminds me of him........oh ya...and raspberries and real Cows' cream give me the distinctive memory/deja vu of being 5 and in my very old Babas'  farm kitchen...she smelled of fresh bread all the time as she would bake it for all the old boys whose wives had passed......


    I wish I had loads of money... I know of a wonderful property that is not that far away from you. If I could buy it, I would. You would be happy to live there. Really happy.
    I have wanted this home from the minute I saw it and now it is for sale... augh!

    All sorts of amazing things happen in a life time. Keep those beauty vibes going.
    Peace and hugs... It will be good.

    Wonderful! The raspberries and real cream sounds heavenly!!

    Funny- I can't really think of any... Doo be Doo will get back to you.


    Try socks DOO Hee

    Chanel #5 and taboo perfume with aftershave mixed in...made car rides nauseating...would have been better if they had smoked! LOL

    Doo ... Those would be TERRIBUBBLE! yuck!!

    I have so many of them that I could not even begin to list them all. The wonderus possibilities and I so miss the feeling of everything being new and what I could do with them. Going for day’s even weeks dreaming and thinking of new experience (s) I had and all they could hold. Just a little guy with a super big imagination is all and nothing more.

    "OH  My Dads working "Boiler suit He worked in the Shipbuilding Industry All smells rolled into one.Tobacco smell as well .When he came I would "jump up on him !! When he walked through the door."Mum would "Shout !! You will get dirty .I would just smile and "Cuddle him more tightly.











    fallen autumn leaves the morning after a fall rain


    And Autumn/Fall;).bonfires?...I just love the smell!!:-)

    The fresh Christmas tree on Christmas morning and the food cooking in the oven on Christmas day....


    Nice thought....and memory for you!

    Waking up to the smell of fresh flour tortillas. Mom made them every morning they were soooo good.


    What a memory. I never knew people MADE them. I always thought they came in packages --- (smiling at you)

    The corner shop with it's old wooden floors, and sweet jars and biscuits, bacon slicer and cheese. It had a pleasent smell all of it's own.

    Meatloaf and chocolate chip cookies.

    country bumpkin

    Chocolate chip meatloaf, did they? LOL
    ed shank

    Bumpkin, cookies after the meatloaf.

    The sweet smell of my computer and Sweat


    Ok Tu...but only because I'm delirious cos isn't that a tiny bit ...well weird'?? Lol no offence!;)

    You know that of all the five senses, smell immediately evokes the strongest and most primal or basic of memories.  For me, pine.  Christmas tree, freshly cut in the house. And being sent out to the cold woods with my younger sister and older brother to cut boughs of pine from live trees to adorn the entire entryway to our front porch and main doorway to the house. Wonderful scent and the magical feeling that was closely associated with that!   Also, the smell of my mother's perfume as she got ready to go out for the evening with my father, which happened infrequently,  and we kids were left at home.  Excited and loved it because it meant a time we weren't under the ever watchful eye of an adult.  Freedom!!!  And one very unpleasant memory I remember to this day, 40 yrs later.  Dinnertime, with pork chops frying in the pan and being served with applesause and the interior of the house was being repainted and the combination of the two very strong smells and adding the taste of the food with the oil-based paint smell in the house made me so sick.  But I was forced to eat my meal anyway.  Tough love?  Never forgot that very unpleasant experience.  One other; the faint  to strong smell of the ocean in my nostrils as a kid as we approached it from inland to spend a week camped beside the roaring Atlantic Ocean.  As kids we enjoyed it to the max and the smell of the salty ocean itself, fresh seafood being cooked over fires right on the beach , and the smell of suntan lotion,....all mingled together,.....uuuummmmm..



    What great memories, Howso/michmar118. Picturing being out in the snow, cutting the branches for the decorations; camping at the beach...that suntan lotion, yes...never experienced any of that as a child...what great memories. And Mom's perfume...they had their own special smell, didn't they :D

    Bob,...But how did you not experience some such similar??? Bob, as bad as some of my memories were, remembered to this day, what happenend with you, Girlfriend??? Do you have some good memories??

    Howso! Many good memories. Our family and home, though, were not closeknit. We bought the tree, bought the ornaments, bought the presents at Christmas. No trekking into the woods, baking sugar cookies, no family time at the ocean. Vacations were to Redwood City to visit with my dad's cousins. We stayed at a motel and spent every waking minute at Auntie's. Camping? NEVER. And the worst part is I didn't give my children enough of those experiences when they were young. Some, but not nearly enough! :D

    P.S. There are a couple other "Terry" people in this area, no relation to the man for whom the school was named.
    And yes, the axle grease and tires are a good memory. Most of MY problems are self-made.
    Someday we will have a cup of coffee and a "real" conversation. I'm looking forward to that.

    Bob, Would VERY much enjoy a meeting with you! My childhood was very far from perfect. Absolutely look forward to a cup of coffee with you,..fascinating conversation, to say the least!!

    Pine trees and breezes across fields of hay...and sometimes the smell of sweet fern. At times, it's just like the smell can bring me back to over 45 years ago, make me stop in my tracks and appreciate it. I also liked the smell of Lilacs in early summer, and this long stretch of wild roses that grew along the side of the road I lived on.


    Very nice Shootah. Your passage sounds wonderful, like something out of a novel!

    You've given a beautiful image for me to enjoy. How pleasant and relaxing. Capturing that in the craziness of now is a real treasure.

    The smell of a cigar or pipe tobacco always reminds me of my Dad and Christmas because that's the only time he'd smoke either of them.

    Campfires always remind me of childhood, when you were allowed to actually burn the piles of leaves in the Autumn.

    Pinesol always reminds me of the dog we had.His name was Rory Calhoun, named by my Mum after one of her favourite actors. He had tapeworm when we got him as a puppy and my brother and I were elected to clean up the ensuing mess. 

    something of the cookery

    my Grandma`s kitchen,,,,no idea why or what ...but very occasionally smell that smell sometimes..and takes me back and makes me HAPPY!!!! :-))

    Jergen's Lotion.....My mother always used it on her hands. 

    country bumpkin

    I remember the smell of Jergen's lotion. I think I remember using Jergens' facial moisturizer too?

    Yes, it was around too. :)

     Butane coming from my grandfather's lighter after he lit a cigarette.

    Mesquite wood burning in the fireplace.

    The musty/fishy odour coming from the swamp cooler

     The overpowering scent of Estee Lauder Youth Dew my grandmother liked to wear.

    My aunt's high school leather notebook with her initials engraved on the front.

    Zebra Fruit Stripe gum sticks.

    The way the sidewalk/cement smells (petrichor) after the rain.

    Aqua Net hairspray after my mom or grandmother styled their hair.


  making fried apple pies

    Lantana..Illegal in Aussie,but a smell of the bush that takes you home.>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    The smell of Sunday supper on the stove.

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