    What goes 'oo oo'.

    if you answer this you'll get £3.

    +1  Views: 970 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    A naked pygmy running through a field of nettles.


    Now, see, that is one heck of a creative answer! You deserve best answer and the 3 pounds! (or euo-dollars)

    An owl with a speech impediment..

     'oo oo' 'oo oo' ... The begining of a Pointer Sisters' song.


    I know this very well but how do you know I know?Oh Yah! You are psychic!I am an avid researcher of these incredible, ancient people Fishlet!I'm going to take a famous biologist for a little tour soon!You ever see them around??

    My Hermit friend has 2 incredible photos of a cousin perhaps?!Beautiful,ethereal images,in the evening,like mist beings!!Fishy you are way too cool!Peace friend!(:

    Ya baby!The brighter the better too!They especially love women and children so Dr.Dooli'l will be well camoed and we could bring kids cuz the people love to see how we interact,often wonder if they seek example?...just thinking out loud again...

    Me, when I burn myself (it's heard a lot around here................)

    A dumb "Cow that can not say "MOO"


    There are no dumb cows. Cows speak to the Alien Nation. This cow obviously was stylin'.

    Ha Ha Fishy "girl You get to me .You keep saying "Alien !!.Are you? lol

    A train engine


    OR maybe a boat on the river

    A kid with a smacked bottom.

    Is it oo-oo like ooooooooo-oooooooooo ?

    or is it oo-oo like ohhh-ohhhh ?

    Please, it makes a big difference in how I shall answer.


    Dr.Doooolittle!!Whoop Whoop to you too!They like it if we wear a bright colored hat so we do not startle them and make them think we're sneaking!One must listen so carefully to hear what they say...and decipher it!!They love gifts too...shells,flowers,blackberries and sage!!Peace fellow Squatcher!

    Just waiting for the guy to get back from Arizona!And you will need rubber boots cuz it's pretty diverse terrain!!!Whoop Whoop!!

    just a thought...which continent are you on anyway?...if you are truly serious,they are everywhere may not need travel far!!

    Im in the US..easy to cross over to canada- is that where we start?

    Canada is always a good place to start...I found my locales by being observant,but there does exist an intuitive factor difficult to express...a feeling if you will.It is all very intriguing and mind boggling.Seeing is truly believing Doc!And a bit daunting given their immensity of stature!!!Will keep ya posted!!

    Sasquatches or Robert Plant???


    You do know that it is illegal to kill a Sasquatch in British Columbia.

    Well Lindilou... My powers of mind meld give me the ability to have many, many, many interesting conversations with Carl the Alien my outside Alien pal who lives in my back yard. One of his very close friends is Humomoikjio... the Sasquatch in the woods. He likes to be called "Momo".
    I haven't met him yet but, Carl is planning on asking him over for tea and cake in the very near future. This is very exciting.

    Carl is from Jasper Kola 417. He is multi-talented. His favorite hobby is baking gluten-free cakes. He has a brilliant future because, as everyone knows, gluten free and delicious are far apart... very far apart. He is experimenting with texture. So important in the gluten free world.
    One of the most exciting things that Carl has learned on his stay here is he grows hair when he is cold. Very cool.
    Hermits are beyond fortunate as they seem to come in contact with far more Aliens and other beings than we do... I think it is because we wrapped up in the big scheme of things.
    Carl is not photogenic at all. He is an Ikansiathorian... they only show up as mist. Very strange.

    Sasquatches are lovely creatures. They are quite shy. I would be more than happy to go with you and the famous biologist on a tour to see them. As I know they're language fluently (one lived in the woods behind my house when I was a child) I may be able to help convice them we mean no harm..then they will come out so we can see them. I know it is odd, but they like tootsirolls- so we should bring some with us.

    So I will put on my pink beach hat, bring a conch shell, some tulips, and lots of blueberries (lots because bears love blueberries too)...and of course tootsirolls! When does your tour start!

    Can we all wear pink beach hats? I am up for that.

    I'm serious..rubber boots and all...I'm getting my back checked on Tuesday and my hip...if they cant do antything about it I'll bring the right meds and we are off. Are we tent camping or doing day hikes?

    Positive energy, creativity and love... That's what we are talking about.

    Sounds like you'd be in a hammock Doc!!

    OO. OO, I cant think, right now.

    A `oo oo` bird . A baby goes "goo goo". 


    yes! an oo-oo bird! fjoel I have never met anyone else that knew of these most beautiful birds!

    (How are you feeling? You are in my thoughts and prayers!)

    I feel better after teeth out. I take an antibiotic,ibuprophen to help the swelling. The teeth got infected from chemo.

    Gosh- I'm sorry- chemo is so hard to deal with. Glad you are feeling better!


    Me, when I see a pair of shoes I like


    Shoes. ... I am OK ... I can breathe.

    me too, and I've almost..... stopped shaking

    OOO OOO child, things are gonna get easier


    Love that song! Now it's in my head. Thanks Bob :)

    PBS had a male quartet in shiny suits singing all my favorites a capella. Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone.....Don't know why I love you..Don't know why I care....They were great

    I like that song from the 70s. that's my kind of music

    When I was a kid I used to hear that sound coming from my big sisters room when her boyfriend stayed over.When do I get my 3 Quid??

    I'm not sure but here comes another one!

    if i answer twice, do i get £6

    either a  ' ho or a choo-choo train.

    Responses from the 1000's of women I've been in bed with....NOT!

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