    do you think the library is more important than the internet?

    +5  Views: 1188 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    While the internet is a great invention and can bring the library to you with a click of the keys, the library is more important. The library has no distractions. You can't beat sitting down reading a book in a quiet place. 


    YES.Colleen just might looking over your shoulder "Shouting "What!S up with AKAQA?

    Each of those options have their place.  The internet is a world of information but books are wonderful!  I love the smell of a library along with the peace and quiet.

    50 years ago i would have said yes , but now you can go on line and get information than you would ever from the local library all from the comfort of you own home..

    Nothing beats the smell of books...and Nothing beats a Great Librarian!


    Not to keen on smelly Librarians.......Great books speak for themselves......That doesn,t make sense, does it????
    Aaachh it,s late!!
    Loch Ness is beautiful in summer (sometimes)

    Good! I like beautiful places! I'll buy lunch you drive...sound good?

    Don,t drive any more.
    I,ll drink you drive,
    I,ll supply the picnic.
    Sounds better?

    I thought it was sock!s

    Ahhh the aroma of socks- lol

    If the internet  turns off, there is always the library.


    could be "closed!

    The library may still be important, but the internet is a lot more convenient.

    i really appreciate your answer. i promise you i'll call your name in my speech and use more than one sentence from ...

    Each has its purpose and advantages. Myself, I like verifiable information if I'm going to rely upon it for anything significant. By nature of a book being unchangeable once it has gone to print, I tend to believe it will have gone through processes screening its information for accuracy. On the other hand, you can look up something on the internet and find 10 sources of information, of which 5 are just as apt to contradict the remaining 5 sources. While human error can occur in any medium, publishers strive not to publish garbage in a book; whereas anyone can publish just about anything on the internet, and even devise ways to suck money out of you for doing it.

    internet anyday. Library good for people that dont want or need internet and enjoy going to library.

    love the feel and smell of books, you can put a real book marker in and forget about it.  And find it later sticking out of a stack of books saying hey remember me that tiny gem of an idea that may be the answer your looking for.  Hands down for me Library's are more important.

    ummm i think it is nice one

    If your trolling for porn, NO.


    ED, you don't know where to look, yet! lol.

    "What!s Porn ED my wife has the dictionary!,and wont tell me.

    I have collected papers and books on technology and the sciences for years and I do not see the internet as a secure way to preserve important information in an accessible form that would protect its value as our cultural heritage in a variety of improbable scenarios. The odds that paper libraries may be needed at some future date is high, in fact. Without its resource historical facts could be altered to favor any number of cultural controls that our heritage would have no historic proof to offset an ill conceived course. We have historic precedence in support of maintaing paper libraries available to the public. 

    A fire in the patent library about the turn of the century destroyed process papers that to this day haunts industrial historians. Many files containing detailed facts regarding the development of perpetual motion devices and carburetors are only now turning up in copies of those files in the archives of other countries. They are important in that without them in public domain we are all slaves to corporations that can deny us the right to compete when patents expire by their absence from public awareness. We are charged $5 a gallon for auto fuel but because the process of economic production are known those prices cannot go too high or we’ll produce our own competitively to drive the price down or abolish our need for fuel entirely. Historic archives protect our freedom.

    Anywhere you learn is great and all are important. The real question is, " Are you continually learning?".

    Without a doubt, the library is a wonderful source to obtain knowledge.  The internet gives you all the answers but it makes it difficult for young people to day to interact with other human beings.  Somehow I believe you become a better speller if you go to the library more often.


    People contact is the advantage in a library, even though it is a place where people want quiet and not necessarily speech. That's one of the advantages to the library. Reading material on a particular subject is sometimes limited in a library while the net has more references. Found it a great place to get old books for personal collections because the library clears their old books at a really cheap price. Jean Plaidy for example.

    novels for escapism..if that`sa word!!!LOL¬

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