    What's your favorite "summer" song? Does it have special meaning for you?

    Several months ago, the question "What song reminds you of summer?" was asked. Rather than drag up the 26 answers, I thought I'd post it with a little twist and get "new" answers. Have fun.

    +18  Views: 1952 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago

    I was just going to say , before you qualified it, THAT SAME QUESTION WAS ON HERE ABOUT A YEAR AGO !!

    Thanks for this exercise, PKB. It made us feel mellow and young, and looking forward to summer :-)

    Thank you, mycatsmom. Being reminded of all these great tunes put the sunshine in MY dreary day! :D

    27 Answers

    "See You In September" by The Tempos....Ahh so sad.

    Teenagers parting for the summer...going off to camps and cottages and not to see each other again, until school started up  in the fall......>>>sniffle>>sniffle...Such wonderful, warm and innocent times!


    I was gonna say that one too. It's amazing you remember who made it......oh, you looked it up, right ?

    Right. :)

    Sniffle,tears. I never liked the last day of school for that very reason...even in elementary school. Still don't like it. It always signifies the end of something to me, more so than 12/31.

    Are you going to Sanfransisco by Scot McKensy. I was 16 and into hippy stuff. I loved this song and every time i now hear it I go back to my haappy teen years


    Yes 1967 great memories.

    Yes, I was 18 then, and the song was beautifully melancholy

    summer of '67......the year I graduated....the summer of love. .....except we had the Detroit riots then. We had 8pm curfew. The cops were ridin' around in 4 to a squad car. Adn they all had shotguns stickin' out their windows.

    Those were the days, my friendindeed :D

    At one time we lived right by the panhandle of Golden Gate Park. It wasn't hippy daze but we could walk to the Height.
    "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure and wear some flowers in your hair."

    Most of you would not know this song---- It's Almost Summer by Billy Thorpe. no special meaning ,i just like it.


    And you can! :)

    bulletman, I never heard of Billy Thorpe or the song, so I looked them up and got to hear 35 seconds of "It's Almost Summer", plus several other songs and part of his memorial. W0W.

    Ms. Bob, Billy was one of the Gum Leaf Mafia in Los Angeles, along with the rest of the Aussies who reside there. His version of 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' is absolutely fabulous. He along with his group The Aztecs were very big in the Seventies then he tried his luck in the U.S.

    That was the song I listened to and it was absolutely beautiful.
    Thank you for introducing me to him. It was sad to see he had passed away a few years ago.

    'Summertime' from Porgy and Bess..   Doesn't have any special meaning to me, I just like the changes and the melody line is beautiful.


    Summertime and the livin is easy, fish are jumping and the cotton is high, da de da da de da de daa daa and hush little baby don't you cry.

    Summertime and the livin is easy, fish are jumping and the cotton is high, da de da da de da de daa daa and hush little baby don't you cry.

    Yeah, that one! I heard you the first time, your pitch is perfect!! Thanks!

    Vin,I sing that adn play it on the guitar

    A minor or G minor-- and some do it in D-minor. I have never heard anyone do it in any other key.. weird. I do it in A-minor with the drop down bridge in C. (instrumental) if I sing it, I drop to G Minor. But that was then.. I don't think I can hit those notes anymore.. getting too old.

    This song is sexy and sultry (just like me lol). I love it.

    I used to play the guitar and sing that to my little kids. Hmmm...I wonder if I can still do it. If you don't practice everyday, you lose it. Use it or lose it they say.
    mcm: We can sing together! You better do the guitar.

    Was going to be my answer, I did not have the insight musically as Vin, but always liked it, especially when a soulful blues lady sings it.

    sunnyB ~ I always thought it was "fish are jumping and the cattle are high"
    Well, I've just never seen a high cow except for the one that jumped over the moon. However, I've sung it that way for years and nobody said anything about it.
    It was pretty duhh of me. But I've learned now!

    Itsme Maybe the cows are high on too much alcohol in their corn silage! Or from the methane fumes of a crowded barn with poor ventilation!

    the wanderer, by Dion


    What about NO ONE KNOWS Wonderer

    I like that song, but it's not a summer song.

    ya, you caught me,mycatsmom....but the last time I heard it was last summer...

    I can just picture Dion cruising around on a summer day, picking up on the chicks. :D

    Buckwheat Zydeco " Hey Good Lookin "


    That's from the 40s.

    Those songs from the 40s have a life of their own. Good choice!

    We arent thinking of the same song . The artist here was "Buckwheat Zydeco song is not very old at least their version . Go look on you tube

    anything Reggae too

    Zydeco too!

    Summer in Siam by the Pogues... the video is hilarious.


    You never told me you liked the Pogues!!!!!
    Sly fishlet!

    Love the Pouges saw them several times in Boston, once with Joe Strummer !!

    Joe Strummer! Wow! Awesome! @Daren
    @KOTF... I love the Pogues!

    I love Sommer Breeze. No special reason. I just like that song


    It's very mellow. I like it, too.

    it's a pretty , happy, song

    Au clair  de la lune ne, mon amie peirro ?? make me cry !


    I have heard of that song, Face, i like it.

    That is a beautiful song. How does it remind you of summer, facebook?

    It was just a warm summer night the moon was reflecting off the water. when I was young didn't really like the french song.

    One of the most beautiful songs of all time.

    In the Summertime.....Mungo Jerry !


    See my answer if you haven,t already.

    This song always makes me smile! It IS summer.

    Great song, great minds..

    I Left my Heart in San Fransisco by Tony Bennet. My father who is not living liked that song. Sentimental.


    slso by Seals and Croft, Summer Breese.

    Beautiful songs, both of them!


    APRIL LOVE ( PAT BOONE ) MET my "Wife at a Dance hall The Day after APRIL FOOLS DAY 2nd.


    1950s those were the days

    Love that song. I was little then,but saw the movie. Mom took Ronnie and me to the show.

    That has to be your song! Lucky you, no matter what you say!

    Yes.Mycatsmom. I was just Bottle feeding at the time on my Mums Knee turned around saw my future in front of me I "winked she "Smiled .The rest is "History. Hee

    Up on the Roof;; and Under the Boardwalk..........  Can't beat those for summer songs   :-)


    UNDER THE BOARDWALK is one of my very, very, very most favorite songs! Wow! Thanks for reminding me... and Up On The Roof....this old world gets me down often. I would get in a lot of trouble if I climbed up on the roof HERE! :D

    Hot time........summer in the city.......back of my neck gettin' dirty and gritty ........


    Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city

    Midnight rambler, Stones. Reminds me of hot summer nights, top down, haulin ass.


    What's haulin' ass.......? ......commercial truck driving ?

    You just reminded to go dig out some old Rolling Stones. That was music from the good old days. Did you like Steppenwolf's Magic Carpet Ride came around about the same time.
    ed shank

    Not driving at the posted speed limit. Preferably 50 MPH over it. Not in a truck, a convertable.
    ed shank

    Shootah, love that old stuff. TU.

    mycatsmom: "hauling' ass" means driving really fast. "I've gotta haul ass if I'm gonna get to the game on time."

    Bob Bob Bob, Bob Bob-a-iran


    don't you mean " bomb,bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb Iran ?
    Don't shoot the messenger

    LOL. I think you mean Barbara Ann (Beach Boys)
    You funny, mycatsmom.

    Oh yes, that is definitely a summer song. It reminds me of the Boardwalk at Santa Cruz. One of the rides blasts that great song out.
    Bah bah bah .. Bah ha bra ann ... : )

    Anything by Bob Marley on a hot,humid day or evening with an endless supply of Sangria and a Cuban Cohiba.

    Can't wait !


    Sounds good! Hope you have lots of hot, humid days and evenings this year.

    Not to mention Jimmy Buffet :-)

    mycatsmon, I've boycotted Jimmy Buffet ever since he banned world-renowned Prince Edward Island (Canada)mussels from his Vegas Margaritaville restaurant's menu a few years back. He did so in protest of the Canadian seal hunt.What mussels have to do with seals is unclear to me but that was the last time our party of 25 or so hungry and thirsty Canadian patrons attending an annual convention patronized his establishment.
    I've never checked in again to see if he quit his boycott. Plenty of other dining experiences in Vegas that don't champion an ill-informed cause.

    just about any early Beach Boy song  :-)


    The Beach Boys bring back memories of my surfing days.

    I hot stuck in an MRI and the technicians played this album and it was too loud and scratchy.



    Summer Breeze comes to mind...mellow, unique in style.


    I answered your question,hope you can understand it.

    Summer Breeze makes me feel fine ....

    See You In September. Oh yeah it has a very special memory. I'm still smiling after all these years!


    :) I always felt for the guy leaving his girl for the summer and hoping she'd still be his three months later. Nowadays, you can't trust some people for 3 days.                                                            No special meaning. Almost 50 years old and still great!


    That song has always been beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it. It makes me cry, but it's OK. The photos were perfect.

    You're welcome, Bob/PKB!

    I watched the video, a nice mellow song but i'm afraid i have never heard it before, maybe no air play in OZ.

    Hand me the tissues. Thank you for sharing.

    bulletman. Chad and Jeremy are British. Perhaps they performed in Oz. It was their biggest hit.

    It's the time of the season by the Zombies and Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix remind me of floating down the river in a inner tube.


    Oh yeah, we did that in a river in N.Michigan. We still did it in our 40s. Two friends of mine went tubing down a rough river in their 60s.

    Zombies...71, wasn't it? Around then....reminds me of a good time and a good friend.

    Summertime, a dance song by Will Smith.


    That is not a song I'm familiar with, but if it's Will Smith, it's got to be fun! :D

    Summer loving had me a blast


    Heard that at a Karaoke couple weeks ago. It was fun and brought back memories. Thanks for including it!


    Good Day Sunshine

    I took a walk

    The sun was shining down

    Shines in my face

    My feet hit the ground.    (I kinda made up the last two lines )


    All the time I've been reading this, I had a Beatles summer song in my mind. And Whoopsie it's gone.  ALL BE BACH

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