    Just curious how many "aka" members have college degrees?

    So far it's about a 50/50 with 6 answers that don't say either way !!

    +13  Views: 3402 Answers: 36 Posted: 12 years ago

    A question like this daren, can be dubious, it may cause animosity among members. -- i said maybe.

    True Bullitman but that was not it's intent I'm the first to admit i never went to college..

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    36 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Yes... but schooling is only a part of education.  Without the "street smarts and some wisdom" to go along with it, it's not much good.  The best combination, if you're fortunate enough, is to have some of each.  I have known people with little or no education, who were highly successful because they were intelligent thinkers and real doers.  I've also known some with 3 degrees behind their name, who were complete "duds", because they had no smarts and no work ethic.


    That exactly what I was trying to say in my comment Ducka Tk very well said, If may say so!

    You are so eloquent in expressing yourself. Can we just say "ditto Ducka" from now on????

    Thank you for those kind words Bob.

    Very well put Ducka...

    Thanks are you?

    Ducka you are absolutely right. How many dumb people have I seen with degrees. And how many brilliant and rich and smart people with no degree.

    I have an associate's in electronics and I'm 3 month shy of being a nurse. Do I count?


    of coarse you do..

    I,m the one that can count, you,re the one that will nurse.Go girl!...KOTF.

    Oh, I quit while I was ahead, fool that I was....

    Tch Tch.

    jh, did you either quit to have a baby, or get married, or b/c you ran out of money ?

    I quite b/c I was bipolar and didn't know it, I just couldn't hack school though I was making great grades.....

    jhharian that's fabulous! Are you going to take a job as a nurse?


    Not me,but both of my girls got their masters.I'm pretty proud of that.


    that is somthing to be proud of, Tommy. And you did a good job raising them.

    "ditto mycatsmom"

    Sure gotta be proud of that Tommyh...

    You'd should be proud of your girls getting their master, that whole lot more than what I did.Tommyh!!!

    ( Hons) Economics, 1974, University of Dundee, while I was serving on HMS Scylla, amazing what you could do by post then, never did me any good though, still as poor as a church mouse..KOTF.


    True i got a few pals with college degrees that are can't even find work and those that do work is not in their related fields..

    Never had a job that was directly related, but it has helped in other fields,a little knowledge can lead to many things,if you,re lucky enough.

    What made you choose Econ?

    They had just started a new course in my high school in my final six months, I got quite interested in it but had to leave because I had signed up for the Royal Navy,had the opportunity to do a postal degree while at sea serving my apprenticeship,helped pass a lot of boredom time, simple as that really...KOTF.

    Seems to me the future KOTF was no immature young man. Do you think you would have enjoyed working in the field? What kinds of jobs would you have been interested in doing? What kept you from a career in econ?

    I can't begin to imagine what it felt like and how you felt being hit with a missle which on the ship. Would really enjoy an essay on the "event". Sitting jobs are exhausting! Being up and moving around, dealing with people on all kinds of levels...much more rewarding than balancing a checkbook. I do like my new job, but I think it's because of all the different people and the challenges of working well with so many personalities. :D

    I've never gone too college, But I know two language build my own home, have a pilot license, have 30 yr. mining experience, took architecture for a year, work as a cabinet maker,ride a motor cycle,Also work three yr. electrical, got marry had two kids, is there anything else I need to know? too qualified?Now am retire with a full pension.


    You sound contented,good on ye mate,enjoy every minute of your hard earned retirement...KOTF.

    I'm contented to a certain point, but that don't make me any better than anyone else.Someone that work hard and never accomplish their gold.Or should I say that your a better person cause you have a college degree?

    Now thats an edcation, facebook !
    Mine is, I have 50 years at the college of Knoxville, can speak english, redneck and street, civil designed and built railroads all over the USA since 1968, have ex's, which is an education in itself, I don't want to brag, facebook, but I have a motor boat license and it really flies !

    good job, FB. You've reached your full potential.

    Life is an education, facebook. Sounds like you have excelled!

    Thank You! for your comment, some very nice people on here,with many different talent which we could all share together.LU. All.

    Nope no degrees........Just a lot of life experiences.


    "Just a lot of life experiences",me too.

    The University of Life was where most of my education came from too.



    Precise and to the

    Yes I have



    Digger O'Dell, We haven't seen you in some time. And this is the first time we've seen a pic of you. Nice lookin' guy

    NOT ME.


    join the club...

    Means nothing really, we are who we are.

    I know now 30 years later moma was right i should have gone to college..


    My mom really wanted me to get a BA. I can't say I learned much doing that ages 18-22, but if you put me in a college classroom now, I would certainly make the most of the opportunity! Education is often wasted on the young.

    Mama's alway's right daren,sure wished I'd listened to mine more.

    I hear you load and clear Rick..

    I earned an associates degree using veteran's benefits before my time ran out, after having initially dropped out of school two months into the freshmen year of high school. While education doesn't necessarily make a person smarter, it does have the potential of making someone more knowledgeable of the different subjects they studied. In analogy, you could hand a set of wrenches to two different people. One won't be able to change a tire, while the other will probably change an's all in what they do with the tools. Meanwhile, hopefully the other guy will have found a profession where he will be able to pay someone to change his flat tires for him. Life is a path with lots of twists, turns, and forks along the way. The best anyone can do is not to get lost in the journey. 

    High school graduate with 50+ years OJT.

    Don't remember hearing of colleges - universities yes. Nowadays many colleges have been named universities. Even know of a young guy going to college studying Astro-Physics - my neighbours grandson. 


    oh yes to add I did not go to college.

    I do. I put myself thru college when I was working as an LPN---- in the 80s.

    No i'm have not a college degree, so what, i'm a tradesman instead, what does that make me?


    That mean you qualified on akaQA site!!You don't need a college degree to be here!

    Couple of skites here BM.

    Gifted and talented.

    I know what you mean PL, i'm not quite sure how to interpret 'em

    I makes you a tradesman? :)

    well, I guess that makes you a whole lot more more useful,than me anyway. I pay tradesman more money to do things I cant than I earn,good for you

    a wonderful person! and it makes you one of the people that contributes which makes for a great society. Every job and trade is very important. Think about if got rid of any one job or occupation group how it would affect so many people. Every job is important. Every trade is important.

    6 months short of a degree,had to postpone and never ended up going back, though the study was in the field I now work in, I have found none of the information to be of any consequence here. We still have students come through and the best advice I can give them is to forget the books and concentrate on what we have to work with, and those we are trying to help,which are by no stretch of the imagination text book material, nor can they be lumped into categories


    Come on what sort of a stupid question is that, college degree, really.

    It is of no surprise to learn everyone on this site is holding a college degree, be it some Ivy League college orThe College of lifes` Experience, The College of Hard Knocks, The college of on the Job Training.

    Surely you knew that, don`t you read the deep meaningful answers on here, c`mon?

    Education starts the moment you leave your place of learning, no amount of "education" can replace years on experience.

    Some people get a Masters in a subject and a failure in life.


    The last line of your answer is especially true when life gives us the real schooling!

    Go Hoosiers!




    Yes, B.A. and K-12 teaching credential.  My GPA was terrible. 


    Wee comment on my answer above.

    I was never much of an office working type so that really decided what direction my career headed,also I got married pretty young and my daughter was born in 1977 while I was still serving in the RN. Left the Navy 82 after our ship was sunk by a missile during the Falklands conflict,drifted into home restoration business that the taxman sunk 2004,so KOTF adapts again to retail management,which hopefully will be ongoing from march if we can find new premises,life as they say is what you make of it yourself given the opportunities and luck,oh and health of course.

    I went from a useless piece of crap high school kid to getting masters studying psychology, microbiology, and genetics. I actually had job in high school making more money than my teachers did. Didnt want to go to college at that time. Got tired of working hard like a slave then went to college.

    Not me but I have had some college just been working since I was 16 and guess I will be working till I die.



    That's how I felt in high school...most classes were sooooooo boring to me! I couldn't wait until after socialize with my friends.

    I think that was me

    NO.but served my time as a Telephone maintenance engineer with British Telecom .Know then as Post office Broke up .Telecom now know as BT.

    The very best business never did go to college. That was back then. Now is a different story.

    No college degree here,just the school of hard knocks.My father was a school teacher before he went to work in the steel mills and he wanted each of us four kids to go to college and not one of us went,go figure...But it was his # 1 rule while we were still at home,we must finish high school,which we all did.Should have listened to the old man.And he had the monies set aside for us to go also,but still a no go.


    Funny how we see so little importance to VERY IMPORTANT things, when we are kids. On the other hand, some kid tells us they don't like the hat we're wearing today, and that's good for a week of discussion! haha

    I have two AA degrees: Early Childhood Education and  Addiction Specialist

    I lived across the street from a lovely junior college nestled in the trees. After getting those degrees, I’d just walk across the street at the beginning of a semester and take whatever pleased me. (Night classes)  I took ALL the psychology classes and many art classes. It was the fun of my life but I don’t know that it helped me financially. (Maybe a little)

    I don’t know if I could have gotten a BA ~ I couldn’t pass Algebra. (But I wrote an excellent funny article about my experiences in the Algebra class.) 


    is akaqa addictive?

    My education nor my occupation say nothing about who I am. I can say I have learned more by living than school has ever taught me.

    I have a Doctorate in Life Skills.  LOL yvonne57

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