    If you were in an abusive relationship, what would you do?

    +6  Views: 1144 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    You must leave as soon as possible.For each day that you stay a little bit of your soul will be chipped away, until you come to believe you deserve the abuse and that it is your fault.Soon you will not be able to think clearly or make a decision and you will feel hopeless.They never change or get nicer.They always get worse and worse.Emotional abuse is just as bad,if not worse, than physical abuse. Run, don't walk.Don't make plans for some future date. Call the Abuse hotline if you have no resources, but leave.Especially if you have children.They are learning to abuse and accept abuse. Leave now. And pray for guidance.Leave. There is no love when someone intentionally hurts someone else.Leave. And definitely get counseling to help yourself understand why you are attracted to an abuser,or you will only keep repeating this mistake.

    24 Answers

    Move on , without even looking back life's to short to get caught up in a relationship that don't work..


    You must leave as soon as possible.For each day that you stay a little bit of your soul will be chipped away, until you come to believe you deserve the abuse and that it is your fault.Soon you will not be able to think clearly or make a decision and you will feel hopeless.They never change or get nicer.They always get worse and worse.Emotional abuse is just as bad,if not worse, than physical abuse. Run, don't walk.Don't make plans for some future date. Call the Abuse hotline if you have no resources, but leave.Especially if you have children.They are learning to be abuse and accept abuse. Leave now. And pray for guidance.Leave. There is no love when someone intentionally hurts someone else.Leave.

    I would not put up with it, for 1 second.


    Step back and walk one should have to feel any kind of abuse.

    You have no choice if you want to have a productive life... You have to leave.... I wish you well....

    Don't kid yourself, it won't get any better... leave.

    Stop the relationship in it's tracks scrap bin, pastures new.

    Seek some serious counseling.........

    Get out as fast as possible! It will not stop. Run for your life!

    Question What would you do? .Life is funny some people put up with being abused .Same old story "But I love him or her cant leave .How do you answer that?

    all he got to do is call me out my name and hes gone. no coming back. been there done that. will never do that road again.

    Walk away,youre worth far far more than that

    Definite NO NO. Run run as fast as you can.

    Get the hell out.

    Depends on if your married or not, not married just leave, married divorce him and take everything he has.

    See the advantage of marriage.

    Headless Man

    Or her.....

    I'd do my research, make a plan, save or borrow money, or look for a free place that takes in people in abusive relationships. I would get out as soon as I possibly could. Here are some websites someone in this situation could check out:

    Search results

    Find your way out of a 'toxic' relationship - Relationships ...

    Find your way out ofa 'toxic' relationship Is your partner controlling? ‘Today’ relationships expert Dr. Gail Saltz explains how to identify and get out of ... - Cached

    Steps To Get Out Of A Abusive Relationship | LIVESTRONG.COM

    Steps To Get Out Of A Abusive Relationship. ... in the middle of the night with little planning may not be the most effective way to leave your abusive relationship. ... - Cached
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    How to Get Out of a Verbally Abusive Relationship |

    How to Get Out of a Verbally Abusive Relationship. ... Verbal abuse by a romantic partner is a subtle way of breaking down your self-esteem and willpower so that ... - Cached
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    Abusive Relationships - KidsHealth - the Web's most visited ...

    The first step in getting out of an abusive relationship is to realize that you have the right to be treated with respect and ... harms you physically in any way, ... - Cached
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    How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship |

    How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship. ... Abusive relationships are sometimes hard to identify due to the way some people define the subject. - Cached

    5 Ways To Escape An Abusive Relationship

    How to escape abuse and stay out of harm's way. - Cached

    Controlling & Abusive Relationships - Stanford University

    This diagram exhibits some of the common ways that abusers ... Understanding these issues can better assist someone to help a victim out of an abusive relationship. ... - Cached

    Make Your Way Out of Abusive Relationships With Subliminal ...

    A lot of people nowadays let themselves get trapped in abusive relationships. What always happens is that they put all the blame on the one doing the abusing and ... - Cached

    How to End a Controlling or Manipulative Relationship: 7 ...

    How to End a Controlling or Manipulative Relationship. ... your goal is simply to protect your kids as best you can by pointing out to the kids the ways your ex ... - Cached
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    How To Stay Out Of An Abusive Relationship | LIVESTRONG.COM

    How To Stay Out Of An Abusive Relationship. If you have ever been in an abusive relationship, or even several, ... 5 Ways to End an Abusive Relationship. - Cached

    Been there - for the most part no matter how many times an abuser says they are sorry and it will never happen again all that happens is the abuse keeps escalating.  I got out thank God and I pray that others do too.  


    Take Leeroy's advice.

    Do not tell the guy you are leaving him. He could do more damage or worse to you. First, you need to plan your exit.  Arrange somewhere to go first. Then, just pack your things when he's not at home, call a taxi or arrange with a close friend, to leave as fast as you can. Take only what you need. You can always replace the things you left behind.


    I'd start looking for a really dull, rusty knife.  One that slices slowly for maximum impact.

    Get out to a safe place and get help. You deserve the right NOT to be abused.

    Before you can do anything, you have to recognize that you are IN an abusive relationship. Once you realize your circumstances, you can weigh options.  It's not a simple matter of walking away. Some abusers don't let you leave and star over.  They hound you (We just had a question from a guy whose brother was shot and killed while on a FIRST DATE with a woman who'd left her abusive husband). If you've been abused, you most likely have a low opinion of yourself and think there is nothing you can ever do that is going to be successful. You've been brainwashed to believe you are helpless, pathetic, and worthless, along with often being a convenient punching bag.
    WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?  is a more appropriate question. 

    This is more a question asked by women. Why would you stay with an abuser? If my dog bit me every time I walked through the door I would take it to the pound or put a bullet in it. The same old excuses: I'm Staying for the kids, I don't have a profession therefore can't support myself, I still love the bastard. Get off your asses, get a profession, and show those around you your not just the typical idiot woman looking for sympathy. This has all fallen on your deaf ears I know. So stop complaining about your abuse. This question has been posted here dozens of times already, and guaranteed they are all still with their abusers.


    Look who's asking this time, ed shank. This "kid" asks questions that generally make us think past our noses. But, you are right, the question has been asked in many forms.

    get out ,the abuser can kill.

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