    what is your work?

    +6  Views: 1433 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Welcome to akaQA. What is YOUR work?

    17 Answers

    I work hard at retirement!    Yay!!!!!!

    Headless Man

    It's hard isn't
    see you at 100,000 soon

    Very tough! haha

    I intend to, that is if I can ever give up buying shoes

    I am a first-year tax professional (in training, can't say I'm a pro yet).  I have been a receptionist, bookkeeper, fast food asst. mgr., usher, 21 dealer, worked at The Home Depot and a "department" store, electrician, teacher, clerk-typist, accounting clerk/supervisor, and typist.  My work as a wife and mother has been most rewarding, and heartbreaking as well. 


    Keep it up P,all the more on your resume the more opportunities come along,good work ethic is a strongpoint..KOTF.

    Responding to your comment below on my answer. I'm from Maine, but it's national law they are implementing. I just got notice of it in the mail last week. As to the other, I can get stints put in at some point in time.

    Oh, I will eventually. Until then I have Nitrostat to keep things going.

    For 5yrs until last November it was Retail Management, and it will be again from March, I hope.


    Hope so, too, ROMOS. You seem to be a real people person!

    Who's going to clean up all the fleas after you?

    The Kings Fleas are well attended to,we do occassionally have a pets appreciation day at work, I never seem to be too popular then, don,t know

    Every one of those little fleas wants a gold star on pet appreciation day.
    p.s. should have kept working when I moved from northern to central California; I wanted to be the "ideal" wife and mom. Miserable failure at times. Ready to take a chance again!

    I am a self employed artist/potter.

    I'm so retired I have to dream up things to

    At the moment I'm still a truck driver, although I'm unemployed, but I'm apt to lose my CDL under the new Federal Department of Transportation health and fitness standards they are nationally implementing. I have emphysema, COPD, and a heart blockage that was diagnosed after an incident while working this past summer. So, I guess it's inevitable, and actually a good thing. I say this, as you can''t have people out there driving those big trucks with health problems that pose a potential risk to the safety of the public.


    Connecticut Colorado California??????
    Can you have procedures to correct the blockage?

    PLEASE take care of yourself and get the surgery done as soon as possible.

    OK, you are too far away for me to nag you into the hospital. BUT YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

    shootah, your right,at least you have the sense to see that,I know there is not much that can be done for these conditions (from 1st hand knowledge) so just be kind to yourself and know that we care

    Take care of you - I am hope you are under medical supervision.

    My work is a lot more than I get paid for!!  { : D


    Aint that the truth...KOTF

    Semi retired carpenter.I do as little as possible these days tho.

    Cleaning in a casino-Sometimes fun sometimes NOT!

    Thinking of something to do to get my ass out of my recliner. Same as Randy Palmer. I finally really retired.


    Heck ed your a gear head I got a few old 2 cylinder John Deere's That I just don't have time for, I'll send em your way to get em fixed up and get em running on all two again. I tell ya there's nothing like the sound of a two cylinder J D pulling hard.

    Retired, disabled, chicken farmer, gardener, electronic tech, designer, production line equipment designer, tool maker, injection mould maker, placer gold miner, hard rock miner, researcher, still operator, system analyst, inventor, X lab rat, promotional advertiser,  treasure hunter, writer and artist.


    Wow!! Impressive.......YOU would be an extremely person to sit ans converse with! :->

    I bet you never get bored.

    Variety is the spice of life.

    WOW and I thought this was work experience.

    I am a welfare worker, employed by the government and work with developmentally disabled people, I work in a group home  that is specifically for high challenge behavioral disabilities, we have 5 young adults here


    Thankless job, I think. I sure couldn't do it!

    your right about the thankless, but I do run fast!! keeps me fit

    That is definitely a very challenging job! I don't think most people could even begin to imagine exactly how challenging.
    PS. Thanks for the words of encouragement down below on my answer. At the moment I'm still in the planning mode of re-inventing myself around not having as much wind as I use to.

    Retired and bored.


    I have not experienced one second of boredom in retirement !

    You probably keep very busy.

    Do you maybe want to work again? Travel? Hobbies? Responsibilities? What's up, Ann?

    I'm with Benthere on this one. I love being many things to be able to get involved in...volunteer work, travel, friends, interests, reading, hobbies, all to be done in my own time and for as long as I wish. Never a dull moment if you are "involved in life" and LIVING IT.

    I haven’t yet been bored. I always have something to worry about.

    This is just temporary boredom. Usually January and February are the most boring month for me.

    Boredom is a matter of choice; not circumstance!

    There is a book entitled "Happiness is a Choice"...maybe there is a link there?

    Interior Designer and project manager

    Was a cabinet maker,and went electrician,also carpentry build my own home end up as a driller in the mines for 30yr and now been retire for 14yr ,also took a pilot course,love making remote model plane,and also like riding my motor cycle, but gave that up too, now just sit by my window watching all the girls go by.and pray that God will forgive me for all the bad dreams in my life.

    I ran a daycare preschool. After that I wrote a column about it. After that I wrote a book about it. I painted stuff and sold it in a couple of stores. I tell you I had the lowest paying jobs of anybody ever. 

    Also worked in a doctor’s office. 

    I hurt my neck and retired. I like it the best. I’m just getting back to painting. (frames for mirrors)

    My work is a lot more than I get paid for too.  I work hard as heck.

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