    What was the "high point" of Christmas, 2011?

    I hope you all enjoyed a special day with family and friends, abundance in laughter and good food, and some killer gifts exchanged. 
    What is the best memory you will keep from this Christmas?  
    Mine will be....well, it's only 9:00 AM.  I'll get back to you on this!
    God's blessings to all today and every day! 

    +9  Views: 1179 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thank You, PKB

    14 Answers

    Not quite reached the peak yet Bob, slowly getting there though,hope your family and yourself will get calmer waters in the new year to come.....KOTF.


    I believe in miracles, you sexy thing. Anything is possible. Happy Day, KOTF. It's a blessing to know you! I'll visit one day, but you have to corral your subjects!

    Your welcome anytime,I promise to keep my family under control,don,t know about the Fleas though,lol...KOTF.

    Oh yeh,almost forgot ( Hot Chocolate ) brings back memories.

    HOT CHOCOLATE. Perfect.

    After opening presents having breakfast and then dinner, we all watched Videos of our animals that have past. It was beautiful and sad at the same time.


    I can understand how you may have's nice remembering, but sad to not have them to love right there....I feel that way about my kids (:D) Our videos are from another lifetime! I'm glad you had a good day, Ann.

    Still only 1/2 way through the day here (12:18) pm.....dinner is about done cooking, have spent an hour on Skype video call with my friend Nicky (who lives in England) and her family watching her kids open gifts. They are funny kids, I've had some good laughs. Good day so far : )


    Wishing you more happiness today and always.

    perhaps the look on my 8 year old niece opening her gifts that santa had left her,


    Seeing the world through the eyes of a child, particularly when those eyes are filled with wonder and joy......doesn't get any better than that! Merry Christmas, daren 1 (to you and yours)

    i remember those days when my neice and nephew were little on Christmas Day

    My highlight was watching others open the gifts I gave them...Just finished cooking and oops! The Cornish hens are underdone.  Oh, well. We're drinking enough nobody cares. Merry Cranberry Everyone!


    Cool answer, jhh.....I really enjoy giving gifts. My mom (93) sat with her new address book, looking at the names and remembering. Yeah, I took her old book and a bunch of address labels and copied them into her new book...complete and ready to use. Felt good. Merry Cranberry back at ya!

    I hope your day was/is special...Thinking of you....

    Dinner Christmas eve with daughter and her BF. Took wife to see "War Horse" Christmas day.


    Sounds very traditional (even the movie) and pleasant. I hope to enjoy a holiday like yours in the next few years. What joy to be with those you love. Merry Christmas.

    You know what I'm gunna say before I type it. The excitement on my grandkids faces opening presents. It's all over down here.We head a brilliant day. French toast & canadian bacon for breakfast at our place.Cold ham,Turkey & chicken & lots of seafood at my sis in laws place for lunch. Too full for dinner.A great time.Hope yours was good too.


    Food, Family, Fun. Sounds like a great day to me! Thanks for sharing, Tommyh. My day was extremely pleasant, too...different, but nice.

    Watching a caravan of cars roll up the drive and all the little one's running out of the cars and tackling me. My great grand daughter was in shock and was screaming hysterically thinking they were hurting me, when in fact it was planned before they all got here. She's been deaf since birth and wasn't aware as to what was going to happen upon their arrival. She was attempting to pull them off when they realized she was trying to protect me. It took a while for her to calm down. She truly is my special angel. She never let go of my hand all night. Brought a tear to this old mans eyes.


    She will remember this all her life. What a treasure she is. Happy New Year ed.
    ed shank

    Same here. Nice flick by the way.

    That's beautiful Ed.Look after that one.She's a keeper.
    ed shank

    I can't imagine not having her in my life. She is the sweetest, the most honest,and giving human being I have ever met. We can all take a lesson in humanity from this almost five year old deaf child.

    Ed, You literally brought tears to my eyes reading your description. You are a very fortunate to have all that beautiful love!

    Second that!

    Just an awesome Christmas Eve at my home for some immediate, and very special, family and friends.  Wonderful, delicious, almost decadent dinner with too much food in a collaborative effort. Then gathering in the living room comfortably and closely for gift exchanging.  Favorite music playing.  Lots of warm, high, positive, interactive energy exchanged all around the room and lots of laughing, and more laughing as funny things happen and are said and the evening unfolds beautifully. One to remember for us. Hope all of yours were as happy!  God Bless.......


    Your description is so vivid, I can see the table (beautiful), and hear the laughter. Sounds like just what you said; awesome!

    My 6 month old great grandaughter all dressed up in  red for christmas 


    TOO CUTE. Did anyone else have a chance to hold her???? :D

    " This new (Pic.) of you (PKB.) has now been (My HIGH) point!!!!, (YOWZA)!!!! ;) "  " Your A Looker " (Darlin) !


    LOL You've no idea how much I appreciate the drool! :D Merry Christmas PANDA

    "Your Beauty puts a light in my heart!" ;)

    :D :D :D :D :D

    I played with Ashley's baby and fed her. She's 14 months. Her name is Presley. She was an early walker. When I fed her, everytime she wanted another bite, she handed me her spoon. Sometimes she touched my arm with her spoon, or her fist that was clutching her spoon. SSSooooo Cute !


    Ah, those were the days. Children entering toddler stage are a hoot! Kinda makes you want to have another times. Thanks for sharing!

    If you could be a fly on the wall, you think our Christmas  was a Hallmark card.  You might be incorrect. 

    Friday was a quiet time with my husband and daughter, Saturday with wonderful friends and my daughter again! Sunday with my son and the rest of the entire family! The best holiday ever in years and I'm feeling so grateful.


    Spending a holiday with loved ones just makes the holiday that much better. Glad to hear you enjoyed 3 days of holiday!

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