    is it hard to learn cw ?

    0  Views: 523 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Learning CW  (Morse Code) is not difficult, although when you first look at it you will think it is.
    Something which helped me learn was the fact I am a typist at fairly high speeds.  CW, like typing, has a definite rythym to it.   Like riding a bicycle..once you learn, you will never forget.
    I would recommend when you start, begin with two or three letters  of the alphabet.  Try your best to learn what the letter sounds like and not what the letter looks like  (that will confuse you when you start using CW as you will slow down trying to picture-or relate-the sound to the letter.  By starting with only a couple of letters, once you master those, add another two or three but keep including the first ones you learned.  You can start putting together smaller words with the first few letters  (ie:  cab,  baa, etc)., just to get to learn because later on when you become proficient you will want to hear the entire series of letters which makes up the word you are receiving.  Of course you will likely want to start off using a pencil to write the individual letters, but later, believe it or not, you will be able to listen to CW words and 'read them' in your head without copying.  Most importantly remember  when you are learning just take your time.  If you have someone who can send you letters (and words), that will help a lot.  You can also tape yourself sending CW, but that is not always recommended - it is better to copy another person's CW.  Start slow..don't rush and don't panic. Practice is important and once you get the alphabet down fairly well you will find yourself looking at billboards, roadsigns, etc., and mentally spelling the words out by CW.   If your future plans are to become a ham radio operator, you may also want to check out a local amateur radio club in your area.  Many have CW and technical classes and such classes are a great way to learn CW as they have the equipment  and ham radio operator/teachers with the expertise to help you.  Hope this helps.       Once you learn CW you will greatly enjoy it.   I should also mention - International CW is the one you should go for.  There is also an American CW in which the letters/numbers are slightly different, however, it is the International system which is used worldwide by ham operators, etc.    Good Luck ! 

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    Take your little kid comments elsewhere. This is a help site. I did not go and try to make you look stupid for your question did I? I see it again, you will be removed from the forum.

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