    Did you see the Boa in the toilet bowl?

    Maybe it was a Python. Believe me, I didn’t look too close!!!!!!! I think it was in New York on the 7th floor.  One came out of the wall too.

    Now this news bulletin may have incorrect information. I’m not being paid by akaqa for my news reporting so if you want to know more. Look it up.   : /

    +6  Views: 2653 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I have never had this experience (toilet or wall wise) but my snake escaped on a regular basis...Kevin the snake loved to take  himself/herself out for a walk almost daily.  It scared the begeebies out of me a few times.

    My aunt and uncle had a rattlesnake come up in their toilet....Reptiles in general tend to do this every now and then....


    I'd prefer the boa...

    Seems like a good weekend for snakes! A 7-year old girl in Hannover (Germany) got the shock of her life when she went to use the toilet. When she lifted the lid of the toilet bowl, she found a large boa constrictor staring up at her from the toilet. She ran to her mother who called the authorities. Unfortunately, the snake escaped before it could be captured but they were able to take a picture (below) -

    Seems like a good weekend for snakes! A 7-year old girl in Hannover (Germany) got the shock of her life when she went to use the toilet. When she lifted the lid of the toilet bowl, she found a large boa constrictor staring up at her from the toilet. She ran to her mother who called the authorities. Unfortunately, the snake escaped before it could be captured but they were able to take a picture (below) -



    Beautiful snake! Boas make great pets!

    Yes they do.

    Its not a 7 year old child but an old lady (74) that called the police. They tried to flush the python down. Then they called the fire workers that did bring a snake specialist who catches the snake and toke it at home. Till the owner is found its registered at the office of find objects. Till today they didn't found the owner.

    Col a boa in lost and found! Go get it Puran- they are sool snaked- friendly, aparently like to soak in water to cool off, and make the all time coolst scarveS!111

    No Thank God

    Lol So now we need a 12 Gauge  to use the crapper . This would go down in the hall of fame of dirty tricks if : This could be made out of rubber ,attach firmly , had red glowing eyes, and had some movement . As a gag gift I could see these selling at the flea market like hot cakes . Maybe I will be rich after all THANKS !!!!!!!!!                     Bill

    post mardi gras there are always reports of boa in the toilets--grenerally of the feathered


    No; How far away were the (bowling) pins?

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