    I was recommended to quit consuming dairy products in order to suffer less from a congested nose. Does that work, and if so, after how much time?

    Hey all of you,

    I have been abstinent from consuming dairy products for more than a month now, but I don't really see any changes. My nose is still congested and sometimes running. I apparently react very sensibly towards humid, cool weather. In the evenings it becomes worse. My nose is ok in dry climates. I have tried antihistaminics, but they have no perceivable effect. Sometimes anticongestants aleviate the symptoms for a few hours.

    I am grateful for any advice on this - it is really unnerving to have this problem. It is embarrassing and it doesn't allow me to sing properly.

    I am also open towards alternative medicine.

    Cheers, Papitou

    +2  Views: 754 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Papitou I have had sinnus problems and like you my nose was constantly blocked in all sorts of weather I would either go back to a ENT speacailist and either have your nose rinced not that pleasent or have a allergie test as you could be allergic to something in the house or try a piriton and if that drys it out you know you are allergic to something the next step is to get a bowl and pour bioling hot water in it and put your head over the bowl and put a towel over your head this will instantly relieve  you but it doesnt last may be 3/4 hrs good luck

    Dairy products increase mucus formation, exept yogurt  cottage cheese and buttermilk. If your mucus is clear, than its an allergy. Try warm salt water and suck it with a straw up your nose and it will come out  in your throat and then spit it out. It has helped me many times. Good luck.


    Gross, but thanks for the info....

    That sounds like a natural and cheap recipe for improving the symptoms - thanks! What is the recommended water-salt ratio? Like, how many teaspoons of salt in how much water?

    I use 11/2 tsp. sea salt and 8 oz. warm spring water.Hope it helps.

    Yes it does work. A noticeable difference ocurrs within 1-2 weeks.


    So that means that in my case the problem was another than the dairy products?

    Papitou,I am not a doctor but it seems the amount of time you have not consumed dairy would seem long enough.You may have an allergy to something else that may not respond to the anti-histamines.You would benefit greatly if your doctor refered you to an allergist for very specific allergin testing.Also an ear,nose,throat doctor may be able to help.I wish you the best of luck with this frustrating problem.


    Hey metal face,
    thanks for the advice. I have been to an allergologist, but he just prescribed me antihistaminics. I would have to try again with another one, hoping that this time I get better attention.
    As I said, my respiratory system seems to react to climate conditions. I have read about a condition called "rhinitis vasomotor", which is not exactly an allergy but rather a physiological malfunction of the nose. But I haven't found out anything about a possible treatment.And, funnily, red wine also provokes my nose to get stuffed almost immediately (I have read somewhere that red wine is a histamine bomb).
    Thanks again for your answer.
    metal face

    The stuffy nose after drinking red wine sounds like it may be a reaction to sulfites in the wine.This is a common reaction.

    See your Doctor or pharmacist - ask him about nasal sprays.There are many nasal sprays including mild nasal sprays - different names here in the UK.


    I only use nasal sprays when things become absolutely unbearable. They are not a permanent solution because their long-term use damages the tissues, no matter how mild the spray is. I have been through those problems already, as being a teen I used a lot of nasal sprays.
    But thanks for the advice, anyway.

    You can try inhallations as suggested OLBAS oil and cream is good but this is UK and probably different in the USA. I do hope you find something to help you - this is not usually a permanent condition - Good Luck.

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