    how to get rid of bumpy rashes

    +3  Views: 777 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hi hotsause I do hope your rash goes soon you didnt say wether it itches or not!!! post anwser under neath then I will answer it for you LOL

    hotsauce I have posted a comment on your answer lol

    5 Answers

    it sounds like you have had a allergic reaction to something you need to find out what has caused this I would go to the Doctors or take some benedrill which you can buy over the counter and if the rash eases then you know its allergic reaction to something!

    As advised by Melandrupert, take Benadryl.  If you have itchy skin, you may use Calamine lotion.  These are OTC medications.

    Bumpy skin….like goose bumps that don’t go away?  Like Keratosis Pilaris Alba?

    google images bumpy skin rash    

    The parade of images is enough to incite an itch and scratch fest for all so if you find some that look like whatever it is…click on the img and it usually says what it is. Pilaris is common to about 60% of the population so I mentioned that. Boraxo laundry soap produces diaper rash. handling fibre glass insolation often produces a rash and soap residue produces problems too. Good luck in your search and most rashes  are treatable. 



    My rash does itch and I did see the doctor who prescribed a hydrocortizone cream with steroids in it.  It does not help much but when used with green alcohol it seems to do the trick.  Just wondering what it could be, I keep seeing new bumbs since August 2011. I thought my doctor could have given me an antibotic pills or something other than hydrocorizone cream


    You are probably allergic to something. Go back to the doctor and get a referral to an allergist.

    Hi hotsauce I know your has priscribed hydrocortizone/steroids please use this cream really sparingly as it makes your skin very thin try not to use it at all and if itsnt working why bother I would ask your Doctor for a refeval to see a skin specialist and have the skin test where they do about 100 scratches on your body of different thingd in the house eg dust/nylon/soap/ect its worth having that done let us know how you get on and good luck

    Sounds like psoriasis. See a dermatologist. There is no cure so do not hope for that.

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